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Text File | 1990-09-07 | 164.0 KB | 3,674 lines |
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 01 of 11
- Released: October 21, 1988
- -----------------------
- When putting together a high quality newsletter, it is sometimes difficult
- to locate suitable articles and arrange with the author for transmission.
- Difficulties of this type have caused this issue to be almost one year late.
- All of the older articles have been updated to insure the latest, most
- accurate information.
- 2600 Magazine update:
- Lex Luthors' Hacking IBM VM/CMS Systems article from Issue 2 has been
- published in the November/December issue of 2600 of 1987. Phucked Agent 04's
- article on the Outside Loop Distribution Plant has been published in the
- Fall/88 issue. This brings the total up to 5 articles from the LOD/H
- Technical Journal that they have published. The others were CLASS by The
- Videosmith, the TSPS Console by The Marauder, and Update #4 of the LOH Telenet
- Directory. To subscribe to 2600, which is published quarterly contact:
- 2600
- PO Box 762
- Middle Island, NY USA 11953
- Or call for more information: (516) 751-2600
- You can find the Technical Journal on the following boards:
- The Phoenix Project: 512-441-3088
- Digital Logic : 305-752-8645 (NEW USER PASS = RISC)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 01 Introduction to the LOD/H Technical Journal Staff 02 K
- and Table Of Contents for Volume 2, Issue 3
- 02 Understanding Automatic Message Accounting Part A Phantom Phreaker 22 K
- 03 Understanding Auotmatic Message Accounting Part B Phantom Phreaker 25 K
- 04 Update file: Shooting Shark's UNIX password hacker Shooting Shark 03 K
- 05 An Introduction to Teradyne's 4TEL System Doom Prophet 12 K
- 06 A Cellular Automaton Encryption System The Mentor 29 K
- 07 Hacking the IRIS Operating System The Leftist 13 K
- 08 A Guide to Coin Control Systems Phase Jitter 08 K
- 09 A UNIX password hacker from USENET ------------- 16 K
- 10 Reprint News Article: 'LOD BUST MYTH' -------------- 13 K
- 11 Network News & Notes The Mentor 30 K
- Total: 6 articles, 11 files 173 K
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 02 of 11
- L L
- D D
- $ (AMA) $
- L L
- O An overview O
- D D
- $ Written by Phantom Phreaker $
- L L
- O Legion Of Doom! O
- D D
- <part one of two>
- This article is meant to provide an explanation of Automatic Message
- Accounting (AMA) and how it was/is used in the past and present.
- All information included in this file is correct to my knowledge, however,
- if anyone notices any errors or has anything interesting to add, try to get in
- touch with me one way or another and let me know.
- Hopefully this article will clear up any misconceptions about AMA that
- have been circulating around on bulletin boards and by word of mouth. Keep in
- mind, however, that the information here may not be applicable to your
- specific area or telco. The information contained herein generally applies to
- the BOC's, and if you are served by an independent telco, your method of
- billing may differ.
- This article is aimed more towards the more experienced telecommunications
- enthusiast. People with limited knowledge may have a hard time understanding
- the information presented here. However, if you can contact me I will try to
- answer any questions or clarify anything included in this article that isn't
- understood.
- Information will be included in this article concerning the use of AMA in
- the past. This is being done for people in older areas or areas served by an
- independent telco that may still be using the old technology.
- -------
- In the past, Call Detail Record (CDR) information was collected and
- recorded by cordboard operators in a process known as manual ticketing. The
- operator recorded this information by writing it down manually upon a
- formatted record called a ticket. These tickets were sent to the appropriate
- office where billing was handled. This manual ticketing process was
- time-consuming, and was phased out with the introduction of electromechanical
- switching.
- Before the advent of AMA, a magnetically operated counter called a message
- register was associated with each subscribers line in a given central office.
- This counter was responsible for counting the number of calls that each
- subscriber made, for billing purposes. This message register was caused to
- operate one or more times when the called party answered the telephone. The
- way this works is when the called party answers, a reverse battery signal was
- sent back over the trunk circuit to activate a relay in the originating office
- which was responsible for the application of a 48-volt battery to advance the
- message register the appropriate number of units. A local call is/was usually
- one message unit, regardless of how long the call lasted. Local calls to
- further away areas were/are usually two message units. Long distance calls
- were handled either by cordboard operators, using manual ticketing, or by a
- method not involving operators known as zone registration. With zone
- registration, calls to different zones would cause the message register to
- operate two or more times per time period. This would make the cost higher for
- longer calls, and less for shorter calls.
- At the end of the billing period, each message register had to be manually
- photographed to keep track of the number of calls made by that specific
- subscriber. These photos were taken by a 35 millimeter camera that was known
- as a Traffic Usage Recorder, and then sent to the same place that manual
- tickets (prepared by operators) were. However, this method of billing soon
- grew costly and inefficient, so a new method, LAMA (Local Automatic Message
- Accounting) was developed. Additional and more specific information shall be
- included later in the article.
- In the late 1940's, the Bell System developed LAMA, which recorded the
- billing information in a much more efficient manner. However, some end offices
- did not have enough call traffic to warrant the installation of LAMA
- equipment. To solve this problem, CAMA (Centralized Automatic Message
- Accounting) was developed in the mid 1950's. CAMA was different from LAMA in
- that it was based in a toll or tandem office and could record the AMA
- information for every end office that it served. More on LAMA and CAMA will be
- included later in the article.
- Another development concerning AMA is the computerization of the system,
- named LAMA-C or CAMA-C, for 'LAMA-Computerized' or 'CAMA-Computerized'. CAMA
- had used paper tape perforators for a time before the magnetic tape method was
- introduced with CAMA-C. LAMA-C is a computerized version of LAMA which also
- uses magnetic tape (LAMA-C is still used today). LAMA and LAMA-A (previous
- versions) used paper tape, although LAMA-A was more efficient.
- LAMA, LAMA-A, CAMA, and CAMA-C were all part of the AMARS, the Automatic
- Message Accounting Recording System. However, a newer term for more modern
- setups is the AMACS, for Automatic Message Accounting Collection System. The
- AMACS includes end office AMA systems, a recent introduction called the AMARC
- (AMA Recording Center), AMARC sensors from end offices to the AMARC, the data
- links used to transmit billing information, and data recievers located at the
- AMARC site. The AMARC is a product of the new age of computerized technology
- as it applies to the telecommunications systems used in our society. Still,
- LAMA and CAMA and their different versions shall be described and explained to
- help people understand how they were/are used.
- ----
- LAMA is described by Notes on the Network (1983) as 'A process using
- equipment located in a local office for automatically recording billing data
- for message rate calls and for customer-dialed station to station toll
- calls'. What this is means is that if your CO uses LAMA, and you are on a
- single party line (most people are), all 1+ toll calls will be billable by
- LAMA equipment, and all calls coming from message rate lines. A message rate
- line, for those of you not familiar with the term, is a telephone line that
- has the ability to receive incoming calls, but all outgoing calls will cost
- the subscriber. The subscriber pays for basic service (the ability to receive
- calls) with the consideration that all other calls (even local ones) will cost
- a certain amount of money per call. Many subscribers in several major cities
- get this feature automatically, and thus phone bills are generally higher in
- these areas.
- LAMA originally recorded billing information on punched paper tape, in a
- version known as LAMA-A, but now magnetic tape is generally the format used in
- places where LAMA-C equipment is used. The paper tape perforators that
- recorded the CDR data in LAMA-A were noisy, and they needed maintenance due to
- their electromechanical construction. The magnetic tape method is much more
- reliable, and quieter as well.
- If a persons End Office uses LAMA, then all toll calls from all lines and
- all local calls from metered rate lines are recorded on the LAMA tape, with a
- few exceptions. LAMA can only be used to record AMA information for one and
- two party lines. On other party lines such as three and four party, the
- originating caller has his/her number identified by an operator via the ONI
- (Operator Number Identification) method. It is not been determined by the
- author if the BOC (Bell Operating Company) operators such as TOPS (Traffic
- Operator Position System, made by Northen Telecom Inc. of Canada) or MPOW
- (Multi-Purpose Operator Workstation, by US West) operators would be used for
- this ONI or not. I would guess that AT&T TSPS operators would handle an
- inter-LATA toll call, and that the BOC TOPS/MPOW operators would handle the
- ONI for an intra-LATA call (my reasoning behind this statement is the fact
- that whenever I have had an ONI due to equipment failure, which is similar to
- ONI needed, only the ANI outpulsing was garbled, the called number was still
- transmitted in the correct fashion. I am assuming that the end office
- switching system would route the call to the correct operator position by
- matching the NPA-NXX with some sort of internal table which makes a
- distinction between intra and inter-LATA calls). Anyway, these calls had their
- AMA information sent from the appropriate operator position to the toll office
- that served the 3+ party line, onto CAMA tape. Another instance in which a
- LAMA office may use CAMA instead is when an ANIF (ANI Failure) occurs. If the
- ANIF is sent to TSPS, then that TSPS will record billing information upon CAMA
- tape by using ONI. It seems that AMA information that has been recorded by an
- operator is buffered and stored until it is time to send the information to
- the appropriate places for processing. In the case of AT&T TSPS operators, the
- TSPS had it's own magnetic tape which was sent to the RAO (Regional Accounting
- Office, formerly called Revenue Accounting Office) on a regular basis. I am
- not sure if this method is still used or if TSPS AMA has been updated or
- enhanced in some way.
- ----------------------
- The following is the call flow procedure in a LAMA-A (paper tape) system.
- After a customer completes dialing, the dialed number (the called number),
- the originating class of service, Line Equipment Number (LEN), and call type
- are sent from the switch to the AMA equipment. Translations, such as figuring
- the billing telephone number from the Line Equipment Number, are done. The
- information that comes from the translations procedures determines which paper
- tape perforator shall be used to record the data for this specific call. A
- record of the initial information gathered is called the initial entry. The
- last line of the initial entry contains a two digit code called a Call
- Identity Index, which identifies telco equipment such as the trunk or district
- junctor that will be used for that call.
- When the call is answered, another entry is made, called the answer
- entry. This entry is a single line on the paper tape and has the CII and the
- exact time that the call was answered on it.
- The last entry on the paper tape is known as the disconnect entry. This
- entry contains the CII and the exact time that the call ended.
- The CII is important because it is what the RAO used to group together all
- the data about a given call. Entries are recorded at different times in a LAMA
- system, they are not in sequential order, so the CII makes it easier to find
- all three entries for a specific call.
- This method of recording AMA information required the RAO to 'unshuffle
- the deck' when it came time to organize the AMA information. The variations in
- the AMA recording formats used by different switching systems eventually led
- Bellcore to develop a standard AMA format, named the Bellcore AMA Format
- (BAF). More information will be included about this format later in the
- article.
- In a No. 5 Crossbar switching system, the AMA setup used special purpose 3
- inch wide paper tape on which AMA records were recorded by CO equipment. This
- method of recording is for the stone ages, as it has been phased out by almost
- every BOC. Similar to the LAMA-A call flow, this method of AMA used three AMA
- entries. The first one was the customers service information, which included
- the calling and called telephone numbers, the second one was recorded when the
- telephone was answered, and the third one was recorded at disconnect. This
- also made the job at the RAO a bit harder, as again, they had to 'unshuffle
- the deck'.
- The No. 2 ESS introduced the latest magnetic tape recording technology
- that was available at that time. The 2E used 200 BPI, 7 track mag tapes, and
- it introduced special data coding conventions. It's technology and
- conventions are still in use today, but I think that the BPI and number of
- tracks have been increased. The 2E mimics the No. 5 Crossbar AMA method by
- recording three entries and interleaving them on the magnetic tape. Data
- common to all calls on a tape (such as date, CO info, etc.) are recorded in
- special tape headers. The No. 2B ESS was introduced with the same AMA
- technology as the 2E, but a 2B that provides equal access capabilities for
- interexchange carriers adds a new data entry to the three used by the 2E. This
- new entry reports the time of connection of a carrier to the local network,
- which is needed for carrier access billing.
- The No. 1 ESS modernized the AMA process even more. The 1E used 200 BPI,
- nine track tape. The 1E provides data collection memory registers for AMA
- information on applicable calls. A register is assigned to an AMA call and
- kept open for the call's duration. This register collected most of the billing
- data that was needed. The AMA information was then written to magtape at the
- time of disconnect. This made it easier for the RAO to process. The AMA
- format used by the 1E uses variable length records whose fields occur for the
- most part in a general, preset pattern. Eventually, though, even the 1E AMA
- method was found to be slightly faulty. This was due to high processing costs
- at the RAO and the problem of tape headers getting erased from the tape. The
- BAF was made to solve the problems that are associated with other AMA setups.
- An update to the BAF is called the EBAF, or Extended Bellcore AMA Format. The
- main difference between the BAF and EBAF is that EBAF is more flexible and can
- be used easier, as the BAF uses a defined structure for storing data. The EBAF
- can append other information to the end of an AMA record, and this makes it
- more flexible.
- -----------
- The ANI formats outpulsed in a LAMA arrangement are as follows (assume
- that the call being shown for an example is being dialed from a home
- telephone, as dialing from coinphones would cause different ST signals to be
- sent; also the type of signaling in this case is SF in-band):
- The second format is the ANI associated with LAMA and is sent to the LAMA
- equipment after the ANI receiving trunk winks. The NPA included in this
- example is optional and only needed if the subscriber is making a call to a
- Foreign NPA (FNPA). The complete called number is not included in all cases,
- as when an AMA setup is configured for bulk-billing. In bulk-billing, the
- entire called number is not recorded, but just enough for billing purposes.
- The CALLING number is the number that the subscriber is dialing from. These
- two numbers are sent in Multi Frequency (MF) tones to MF receivers located
- within a CO. The I in the ANI is an information digit, and these shall be
- explained later in the article.
- One may wonder how a CO knows which lines it serves are message rate lines
- and which are flat rate. On electromechanical switches such as Step by Step,
- No. 1 and No. 5 Crossbar (it should be noted that there are no remaining panel
- switches within the Bell System), there is an electronic line card associated
- with each Directory Number which holds information relevant to that line.
- These cards have to have any type of change hardwired into them. However, in
- digital/ electronic switching systems, there are Line Class Codes which
- reflect information about each subscribers line. There are many, many of these
- codes. Some of the more common and interesting ones are listed below:
- --- -----------
- 1FR Single party Flat rate Residential
- line
- 1MR Single party Metered rate residential
- line
- 1CF Single party Coin First coin
- telephone
- 1OF Single party Official (telco) line
- 1FB Single party Flat rate Business line
- 1MB Single party Metered rate Business
- line
- These codes can be found for a line in several places, such as certain
- fields in telco computer output reports. COSMOS and LMOS are two such
- computers that hold this information. If you find COSMOS printouts or have
- access to COSMOS, these Line Class Codes will be listed under the 'LCC' field
- in an ISH, INQ, or other inquiry. Sometimes the data in the LCC field will
- match or be similar to the data in the US field, which is a USOC (Universal
- Service Order Code). A USOC and an LCC aren't the same thing though.
- ----
- CAMA operates along the same basic principle that LAMA does, except that
- CAMA is based in a toll or tandem office (class 4). CAMA is made to be used in
- areas where it would be costly to implement a LAMA arrangement for each and
- every class 5 office. This is because some end offices did not have enough
- traffic to warrant the cost and work required to install LAMA equipment. LAMA
- setups can/could be found in abundance in rural areas near large cities.
- The first letter in each of the acronyms (L)AMA and (C)AMA describes the
- usage of each. (L)AMA, for Localized, in a local central office, and (C)AMA
- for Centralized, in a toll office.
- The outpulsing formats to CAMA are similar to the LAMA ANI outpulsing. The
- outgoing trunk to the serving CAMA office from the end office sends the called
- DN in the format of KP+(NPA)+NXX+XXXX+ST. Next, the incoming CAMA trunk
- requests the end office to send the calling number. This is sent as
- KP+I+(NPA)+NXX+XXXX+ST, where the I is an information digit which gives
- information about the status of the process, and the NPA may or may not be
- needed, depending upon the setup. The information digits that follow are used
- in ANI outpulsing to Local and Centralized AMA. They are:
- 0-Automatic Identification (a normal call, with no special
- treatment);
- 1-Operator Identification (ONI-call is sent to an operator who
- requests the customer to give the number they are calling from);
- 2-Identification Failure (ANI Failure, handled the same way as
- ONI).
- The ONI due to ANIF and normal ONI which is used on certain party lines
- are kept track of. If too many ANI Failures happen, then a report will be
- generated indicating this fact. ONI needed is more standard and ordinary, and
- thus safer for the telecommunications enthusiast. This information can be put
- to a good use, as if you find an outgoing CAMA trunk when you are boxing, you
- can place calls over it by using the above CAMA formats. The only limiting
- factor is that the NXX of the calling number that you sent for ANI must be an
- office that is served by the particular CAMA offices trunk that you are using.
- Note that CAMA is not used much anymore, it was mainly used with Electro-
- Mechanical toll switches such as the No. 4A Crossbar, and the Crossbar Tandem
- (XBT). I don't think there are any XBTs or 4As in operation in the AT&T toll
- network, but CAMA may be used by independent telcos, or by telcos in rural
- areas that serve only a small number of central offices. In an independent
- telco setup, a CAMA arrangement may be used, but not in the same way as AT&T
- has used it. The centralized location may not be a toll office, it may just be
- the largest CO in that companies network. There can be several variations.
- CAMA was originally introduced to work with and in conjunction with ANI, thus
- the original term for the process, CAMA/ANI. For a complete description of ANI
- in electromechanical switching systems, see one of the older issues of Phrack
- Inc. newsletter for a file written by Doom Prophet and myself, titled
- 'Automatic Number Identification'. I have seen CAMA mentioned in recent telco
- information, so I assume that CAMA is still in use, at least in some places.
- Supposedly a way to determine if you are on CAMA is to dial local numbers, and
- send 2600Hz. If you can seize a trunk, then it is likely that you are served
- by CAMA. You can then pick local exchange codes, (NXX), dial them, seize a
- trunk, and then MF using the CAMA format included above, sending a false ANI
- for one of the local exchanges. If you do this, I suggest that you don't send
- the ANI of a resident. Use non-working numbers, disconnected numbers, payphone
- numbers. I am not sure if there is any check done upon the number sent in ANI
- by the toll office or not, but it is probable that the local switch is
- responsible for screening out invalid numbers and such. So if you can get on a
- CAMA trunk then you have the power to bill calls to anyone else who is served
- by a CO that homes in on the same toll office and uses the same CAMA
- equipment.
- <end of part one>
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 03 of 11
- L L
- D D
- $ (AMA) $
- L L
- O An overview O
- D D
- $ Written by Phantom Phreaker $
- L L
- O Legion Of Doom! O
- D D
- <part two of two>
- The standard AT&T Toll office switch, the No. 4 ESS, is also equipped to
- handle CAMA if necessary. The CAMA procedure is as follows: Call data for the
- CAMA call is kept in a buffer (technically called an Accounting Block (AB))
- which then stores the entry upon a nine track 800-bpi (bits per inch) AMA tape
- (note: the information used in research for this part of the article was
- rather old, so the bits per inch has probably increased). The data that are
- kept in this buffer and put on the tape are as follows: the calling DN, the
- called DN, answer and disconnect times accurate to 0.1 second, and other misc.
- information. The callers DN can be entered into the 4ESS in two ways, ANI or
- ONI. ANI is of course the normal method for identifying a callers DN for
- billing purposes. ONI is used when there is an ANIF, or when it is needed (the
- other equipment cannot get the DN with ANI). When the 4E gets an ANIF or an
- ONI needed, it sends the call to a TSPS operator, who should ask the caller
- for their number. When an operator gets an ONI situation 'from' a 4E, she uses
- two types of trunks, a talking trunk, and a keying trunk. The talking trunk is
- what the subscriber comes in upon and is the line over which the operator asks
- for the callers DN. The keying trunk originates at the 4E and terminatates at
- TSPS, and is what is used to send the callers DN (in MF) to the 4ESS office.
- The operator has access to both trunks at the same time, thus she can enter
- the number in a quick and orderly fashion.
- When a line classification does not fit into the 'one information digit'
- (KP+I+NNX+XXXX+ST) category, two information digits are used. When two are
- used, they are called screening codes. Screening codes are outpulsed along
- with the ANI for certain types of telephone lines, and when ANI is being sent
- to an alternate carrier via 'Equal Access' (Feature Group D, 1+ dialing).
- These screening codes are two digits and precede the subscribers DN. An
- example of screening code outpulsing is as follows:
- The II represents two information digits that precede the callers number.
- Some of the more common screening codes are as follows:
- KP+00+NXX+XXXX+ST Normal telephone call, identified POTS line;
- KP+01+NXX+XXXX+ST ONI needed on a multiparty line;
- KP+02+NXX+XXXX+ST ONI needed due to ANI Failure;
- KP+07+NXX+XXXX+ST Hospital, inmate type telephone;
- KP+08+NXX+XXXX+ST Line restricted from dialing inter-LATA;
- KP+10+NNX+XXXX+ST Telco test call;
- KP+20+NNX+XXXX+ST Automatic Identified Outward Dialing centrex call;
- KP+27+NNX+XXXX+ST Coin telephone call.
- These double digit outpulsing formats are used in Equal Access areas, and
- a similar method of outpulsing is used when customers deal with TSPS
- operators.
- For more information, see the July, 1987 issue of 2600 Magazine, an article
- entitled 'How phreaks are caught'.
- -----
- The AMARC, or Automatic Message Accounting Recording Center, is a fairly
- modern development toward recording billing information. It offers the telco
- several advantages to the older electromechanical setups, such as increased
- revenue (always a plus in their eyes), reduced RAO processing costs, a new
- computerized format that stores data on 1600 bpi, industry compatible magnetic
- tape, elimination of loss due to paper tapes being destroyed, and elimination
- of per-office paper tape pickup and delivery.
- ---------------
- The first version of the AMARC was the No. 1 AMARC, which received billing
- data on a real-time basis over dedicated data links. It was based on two DEC
- PDP-11/40 minicomputers. The No. 1 AMARC controls and recieves data from a
- maximum of thirty dedicated channels. A channel consisted of a dedicated line
- (probably a Private Line service) equipped with a 202T data set, operating
- asynchronously at 1.2 kbps. The No. 1 AMARC had a feature which allowed it to
- call, over the DDD network, a backup channel in case one of the normal
- channels experienced a failure. This backup channel could be reached by anyone
- who had the phone number. It has not been determined by the author if there
- was/is any security on these backup channels.
- ----------------
- Eventually, it was decided that more data channels were needed, and that
- the AMARC computer could be centralized, and not clustered in administrative
- centers, as was the procedure. The No. 1A AMARC fulfilled the telco's needs.
- The No. 1A AMARC uses a higher capacity minicomputer, the DEC PDP-11/70, and
- Western Electric peripheral equipment to provide ninety input channels,
- improved maintenance capabilities, and room for growth in several areas. The
- first No. 1A AMARC began operation in 1981 in the Chicago area.
- An important feature common to both the No. 1 and No. 1A AMARC was the
- ability to recieve billing information electronically over dedicated lines
- from central office switches. Equipment located in central offices called
- sensors send this data. There are different types of sensors for different
- types of switching equipment, but the most common AMARC sensors shall be
- listed here.
- The Call Data Transmitter (CDT). The newest AMARC sensor. The CDT is a
- microprocessor based system which is used to collect data from No. 5 crossbar
- offices. It is designed to be used in systems that do not have LAMA-A and do
- not have enough traffic to warrant the expense of installing the No. 5 ETS.
- It can be used with other sensors, and is not the only kind used in No. 5
- crossbars. The first one was cut over in Illinois in 1980.
- The Call Data Accumulator (CDA). Similar to the CDT, but uses wired logic
- control. The CDA, which collects AMA information from SxS switches, was the
- first sensor to be made for use with the AMARC. This sensor is connected to
- the ring, tip, and sleeve leads in a SxS switch, probably at the MDF. The
- first CDA was cut over into service in New York in 1975.
- The Billing Data Transmitter (BDT). Used in electromechanical offices,
- such as the Nos. 1, 5, 4, and 4A Crossbar, SxS CAMA, and the Crossbar Tandem
- (XBT). The BDT replaced up to 10 paper tape perforators that were previously
- used. Provides a newer alternative to LAMA-A. The BDT recieves billing data
- from the older LAMA-A paper tape recorder circuits and sends them to the
- AMARC. The first BDT was cut over in New York in 1976.
- The No. 5 Electronic Translator System (ETS). The No. 5 ETS was added to
- No. 5 Crossbar systems to provide some electronic switching functions that
- were not present before. These functions are things such as line, trunk, and
- routing translations provided by software methods rather than wired cross
- connections. The No. 5 ETS consists of duplicated Western Electric 3A
- auxillary processors with associated scanners and distributors. The first No.
- 5 ETS was installed in Ohio in 1977.
- VIDAR, a special sensor used in Crossbar No. 1 offices. VIDAR does not
- interface with the AMARC but instead sends data to it's own tape. This tape is
- then sent to the RAO on a regular basis.
- These various sensors are specially designed electronic units which are
- part of or connected to class 5 offices. These sensors collect and generate
- billing data from the office they are used with. The billing data consist of
- answer and disconect times, call type, and the amount of measured local and
- toll calls made.
- Some offices have added sensors, but exceptions include several ESS
- systems which use SPC (Stored Program Control) to send data to the AMARC. SPC
- means that the sensor is built into the switch software and that no other
- equipment is needed. An example of this is the NTI DMS-100 switch. Nos. 2, 2B,
- 3, 3B, and No. 5 ESS also do not have special AMARC sensors, but send data to
- the AMARC over a synchronous connection via a SPUC/DL (Serial Peripheral Unit
- Controller /Data Link) at speeds of 2.4 and 4.8 kbps. There is another part in
- the 2B ESS AMARC data link, called the AMARC Protocol Converter (APC). The APC
- is a medium between the SPUC/DL and the AMARC.
- The No. 4 ESS, TSPS, 1ESS, 1AESS, and 2ESS switches don't have AMARC
- sensors, and aren't even connected to the AMARC. These switches all have their
- own AMA systems, from which the data is sent to the RAO regularly. Another
- exception is the DMS-10 Remote Switch, which is connected to a device at the
- RAO called a collector.
- There are other options possible when dealing with AMA collection, such as
- the Distributed Call Measurement System (DCMS) made by a telco equipment
- vendor, which acts like a mini-AMARC, and Northern Telecom's Distributed
- Processing Peripheral system, which is used to collect billing data from NTI's
- DMS switches. These systems can be used where applicable.
- -------------------
- In places where magnetic tape has been phased out, a new method of storing
- the AMA data called AMA TeleProcessing Systems (AMATPS) has been implemented.
- AMATPS overcomes the disadvantages of magnetic tape (such as the sequential
- way the data is recorded, the high-density data losses that may happen, and
- the sometimes unseen problems with the tape unit) by using random access disk
- drives. AMATPS also adds some new system parts which can make the job easier.
- Still, some AMATPS are not used to their full capability and can still present
- problems to the telco.
- One of the parts that AMATPS adds to the overall AMACS is the use of AMA
- Transmitters (AMAT's). These transmitters are added to the sensors, and
- increase the power of the overall setup by providing things such as temporary
- storage areas and programming applications. AMAT's are generally PC-sized
- machines with two disk drives, and 50-150 megabyte hard disks.
- The second important addition is the collector. The collector acts like
- the AMARC by polling the AMAT over data links. The collector, like AMARC, is a
- centrally located computer system, usuallly running on an IBM Series 1, an
- HP-1000, or an AT&T 3B5.
- Teleprocessing systems are made to understand a common AMA language format
- made by Bellcore, the Bellcore AMA Format and Extended Bellcore AMA Format.
- These were mentioned in part A of this article.
- --------------------
- Since the majority of people are served by AT&T, one may wonder how inter-
- LATA call data gets to the given Inter-LATA Carrier (IC), in this case, AT&T.
- AT&T has its own AMA collection system, which is called BILDATS (BILling DATa
- System), and this is what collects the AT&T data. I would guess that each AT&T
- toll office has some sort of interface with this computer system, but I have
- no solid proof of this. It has also been suggested to me from a reliable
- source that AT&T sends each BOC their own magnetic tapes, which the BOC's then
- fill with AT&T's billing information. I am not sure which of these methods is
- used.
- The BOC billing information takes a different route, however. On a regular
- basis (I believe each day), AMARC tapes are sent to the Regional Accounting
- Office (RAO) or billing office, where each customers intra-LATA traffic is
- calculated and their telephone bill printed and mailed. The customer then
- recieves the bill and goes about whatever method of payment he chooses.
- Telephone bills can usually be paid in person in many different places in
- large cities, or they can be mailed in directly if the customer wishes. In my
- area, the customer pays once, which is a total of his AT&T and BOC bill. This
- is payable to the BOC, and AT&T then gets their payment from the BOC. In the
- case of independent carriers such as US Sprint, MCI, ALC Communications, and
- the like, I cannot say for sure what they all do as there seems to be no
- standard procedure for this interaction, but in two instances, two specific
- RBOC's (US West and BellSouth) handle FG-D Equal Access style billing for MCI
- throughout their serving areas. There is a computer system involved in this
- alternate carrier billing cycle, called the Carrier Access Billing System
- (CABS). This system calculates the prices bases on tariffs in use, and bills
- the carriers on a monthly basis accordingly. I am not sure how widespread the
- use of this sytem is, though. When the customer receives his MCI bill along
- with his BOC bill he can pay them both at once. I would imagine that the
- larger long distance services would be able to afford getting this service
- from the RBOC's, while the smaller ones with less money would do it by
- themselves, which would probably be a slow, drawn out process. In some cases,
- dialing via an alternate carrier (other then your primary one) will cause the
- billing cycle to take anywhere up to three months to complete, or even more.
- Another interesting note about alternate carrier dialing, some carriers do not
- start billing until a specific amount of time has elapsed. This is known as
- buffer-zone billing. I know of one company that uses a 45 second buffer zone,
- but I am not sure what the other companies use. You can find this information
- out by talking to a customer service department, however some companies CS
- departments either don't know, or they do not wish to tell the customer (or
- 'potential' customer). With buffer zone billing (assume 45 seconds in this
- case), you will be billed for the call if you let the phone ring, listen to a
- busy signal, etc. if the duration of the call is greater than or equal to 45
- seconds. Many of the ICs that use this type of billing do not have the
- equipment to detect answer supervision, so if you can keep a conversation very
- short, you may get away with a free call, without breaking any laws.
- --------------
- When you receive credit for improperly placed long distance calls from an
- operator or a telco business office (after you receive your phone bill)
- certain things happen.
- Operator crediting involves the operator entering a special flag on an AMA
- tape to deduct the specific amount of given charge from the subscriber's
- telephone number. I believe that this process involves (with AT&T TSPS) the KP
- TRBL key, and (with NTI's TOPS) the KP TRBL and the CHG ADJ (charge adjust)
- keys.
- Business office crediting happens when you call the business office and
- talk to a BOC 'service representative'. This person will then enter your
- telephone number into a terminal, using the DOE (Direct Order Entry) system,
- which is in use in my area. The billing record information comes from a
- computer called CRIS (Customer Record Information System), which is accessed
- by BOSS (Billing and Order Support System). BOSS has a link to computer
- systems at the RAO, as this is how the customer's toll data gets to the
- business office. A service representative can then pull up your toll charges
- and correct them with appropriate credit entries.
- -----------------------------------
- There have been several rumors going around about AMA and it's relation to
- people who commit toll fraud, and I will attempt to clarify these rumors. It
- is possible that a billing tape could be used to try to find out who called a
- certain number at a given time. Another way AMA tapes/disks could be used as a
- record of someone committing toll fraud would be if this person would happen
- to be under a newer switch, such as the DMS-100, and they attempted to use a
- blue box without knowing the dangers of it (I will speak only on the DMS-100
- because when a older switching system is replaced with a new one, the most
- common replacements are the AT&T No. 5 ESS and the Northern Telecom DMS-100
- Family of switching systems). DMS-100 does indeed have the capability to
- record a blue boxer's MF tones in an AMA record if the boxer doesn't know what
- he is doing. 1AESS also has blue box detection features. I am not sure about
- other switching systems, but I would guess that most of the newer switches
- have some sort of blue box fraud detection features, of course the end user of
- these switches (the telco) does not have to use them. However it is difficult
- to find out if your CO uses anything of this nature unless you are a good
- social engineer or have access in some way to the switch or switch output
- messages and know what to look for. For instance on the Northern Telecom
- DMS-100 switching system, there are a series of reports known as BLUEBOX
- reports which (if in use) will inform the telco of blue boxing activity. The
- DMS-100 also has AMA options that can detect certain forms of electronic toll
- fraud, such as black and blue boxing. These options can be set any way the
- telco wants. These AMA options can be printed on a DMS-100 switching
- system,onto hardcopy terminals, or onto a data channel which may send the
- Output Messages (OMs) to a telco computer system such as the Switching
- Control Center System (SCCS). These options are printed in an AMA118 OM at
- midnight. If an AMA option is in use by that particular switching system,
- after the name of the option will be a data field that says ACTIVE. If the
- option is not in use, the field will say INACTIVE. An example of an AMA118 OM
- is reproduced here.
- AMA118 JUL23 12:00:00 2234 INFO AMA-OPTIONS
- The most important ones for phreaks to know about are INWATS, LONGCALL,
- SST, UNANS-LOCAL, and UNANS-TOLL. INWATS means that calls to 800 numbers are
- noted in an AMA record. As far as I know, this option is a required one, at
- least since Bulk Change Supplement 23 (BCS23). LONGCALL will flag long calls
- in an AMA record. So if it seems to the switch that someone has been on the
- phone for a long time, this will be logged. A possible use for this would be
- to detect trouble conditions. This option, used in past switching systems, may
- have been the cause of many blue box busts. Someone would box for several
- hours using the same number (for instance, Directory Assistance) and this may
- have been noted by the switch. Another way I think old time boxers may have
- been nailed is from boxing off of DA. As you can see in the above listing,
- there are several options that probably make AMA entries for calls to DA. If
- the length of a call to DA lasts longer than a certain amount of time, the
- telco could possibly detect this and attach a monitoring device upon the
- suspected persons telephone line. The AMA option 'SST' may also be responsible
- for blue box busts in the recent past. SST stands for Short Supervisory
- Transition, and an SST is known to the phreak world as a wink. SSTs are
- generated when a blue boxer seizes a trunk. The switch can detect these and
- log them in an AMA record if the option is set to ACTIVE. SSTs are not solely
- caused by boxers, though, as equal access offices can generate a lot of SSTs
- in normal operation. I believe that trunking arrangements with ICs (InterLATA
- Carriers) are often responsible for triggering these. One toll office I knew
- of had thousands of SSTs on a plant measurement report, so if this option is
- ACTIVE, it may not be EXTREMELY dangerous, but it can't hurt to know about
- this. One possible way around the SST detect is to make your 2600Hz tone last
- several seconds. I do not remember the exact figure, but after a certain
- number of seconds an SST ceases to be an SST ceases to be an SST. I am not
- sure if these longer transitions are logged or not, or if there is even an
- option for this. However I believe that the BLUEBOX feature could not be
- fooled by doing this. BLUEBOX, if activated, will detect any foreign winks
- after a necessary one (necessary for call completion) occurs. Of course you
- can always avoid having your DN associated with anything like this by
- re-directing your call flow, which can be accomplished easily.
- Another AMA option that could be used to catch black boxers is the
- UNANS-TOLL option. When this option is ACTIVE, toll calls ringing longer than
- a specific period of time can be logged in an AMA record. Someone calling toll
- from a DMS-100 to a person using a black box (does anyone still use devices
- like the black box anyway?) in a no. 5 crossbar may trigger this option to be
- logged. I say 'may' because I am not positive about this, the option could
- also be used in other ways, I imagine.
- The ENFIA-B-C option is one that could possibly present a problem to a
- telecom enthusiast. I have seen the term ENFIA (Exchange Network Features for
- Interstate Access) associated with a Feature Group A (POTS dialup) long
- distance service. ENFIA-B and C mean FG-B and FG-C service. FG-A and B (POTS
- and 950+1/0xxx respectively) could possibly be used to record information
- concerning toll fraud. For instance, I know of one service (FG-D and FG-B)
- that has the ability to check a telcos' magnetic tape to see what numbers have
- been accessing their service. If a large amount of fraud became a problem, the
- carrier could get the AMA information to try and determine who is committing
- toll fraud. I'm not sure if other companies have this option, I would guess
- that almost all of the major companies (MCI, Sprint, Allnet, etc.) have the
- ability to use something of this nature to track down security problems.
- Have you ever wondered why many of the old blue boxers were caught? It is
- due to the use of AMA. AMA records can reveal boxing patterns, and this info
- can be used by the telco to track down blue/red/black box users. So if you are
- a person who practices any of these methods, be aware of what you are up
- against. Boxing has been around for a very long time and the telco knows all
- about what goes on and the different methods that people use. So use care. An
- informed phreak is a free phreak.
- -------
- Hopefully this article has helped clear up any misconceptions about AMA
- that anyone might have had, as well as provide a reference to be looked back
- on. The information contained in this article can also be used for social
- engineering purposes, if you so desire. However, I do not intend for any of
- this information to go into harmful purposes, such as billing calls to other
- people, or causing confusion and disorder at any internal points in the telco.
- Such actions do not make a person a phone phreak. However, if you find out
- anything interesting concerning AMA that isn't included here, or anything
- about independent telcos billing systems, feel free to let me know.
- If you wish to contact me concerning this article, you can find me on a
- few BBS's. I will attempt to answer any questions anyone might have, and would
- like to hear from anyone who has a valid interest in the workings of the phone
- systems.
- ===============================================================================
- Thanks go out to all the people (too many to mention) who have contributed any
- information (no matter how small or large) to this article. Other information
- for this article has been taken from switching system messages, Bell System
- Technical Journals, Bell Labs RECORDs, Bellcore documents, and various other
- technical literature and information. I hope someone likes this article
- because it took a very long time to complete.
- ===============================================================================
- ---------------------- Shooting Shark's PW Hacker Update ---------------------
- The following is a reprint of Shooting Sharks' post which he provides
- another program which can be typed quickly or uploaded to the unix system of
- your choice. This program can be used to ensure that the algorithm does work
- and you could then proceed to upload his program from Issue #2 for more
- extensive password finding. I was able to get his HPW.C program to run
- perfectly, and have found quite a few passwords by having it check passwords
- with dictionary entries and other files of probable passwords.
- -Lex Luthor
- Taken from: The Free World II 301-668-7657 BBS (no longer up)
- %> When: 9-19-87 at 3:46 am
- Since three people have told me my source won't compile on their system,
- I've taken the suggestion and put together a *very* stripped-down version of
- my HPW.C program from Issue #2. Now it's basically a 20-line engine that you
- can use to verify that the algorithm does indeed work (try it with your own
- password) and then add whatever bells and whistles you want (like reading
- words from a file, etc.) The version presented here just prompts the user
- for the encrypted password string, and then goes into an endless loop where it
- reads a password attempt from the keyboard, encrypts and compares it, and
- tells the user if it's the correct password. It calls no external routines
- besides crypt(), printf(), scanf(), strcmp() and exit(). crypt() is
- absolutely essential to the program, and the rest are defined in K&R so this
- program had *better* work on your unix system!
- Here it is. Sorry for the hassles the old version gave anybody although
- some people were able to get it to run quite nicely.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- int len;
- char crbuf[30], *crypt(), *pw, pwbuf[10];
- main()
- $
- printf("first, carefully type the ENCRYPTED password string:Xn>");
- scanf("%s",crbuf);
- printf("Now, type a password attempt at the prompt. type QUITXn");
- printf("(yes, in caps) on a blank line to quit...XnXn");
- for (;;) $
- printf("try >");
- scanf("%s",pwbuf);
- if (!strcmp(pwbuf,"QUIT"))
- break;
- pw = crypt(pwbuf,crbuf);
- if (!strcmp(pw,crbuf)) $
- printf(" ==> %s is correct.Xn",pwbuf);
- exit(0);
- printf("done.Xn");
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 05 of 11
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- (L) (L)
- (O) An Overview of the Teradyne 4Tel System (O)
- (D) (D)
- (+) by (+)
- (+) (+)
- (+) Doom Prophet (+)
- (L) (L)
- (O) Legion of Doom/Hackers! (O)
- (H) (H)
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- 4TEL is a loop testing system mainly used by General Telephone (GTE) that
- consists of a Voice Response System and a Craft Dispatch Section as well as
- the facilities and equipment used for testing functions. The following text
- will attempt to dispell many of the 4TEL myths that have been created in the
- past years, such as the idea that it can be used to eavesdrop on lines within
- its serving area. The information provided has been gained from company
- publications and from personal experience. A 4TEL is not the same thing as a
- REMOBS, which stands for REmote service OBservation System.
- The portion of the system that some of the phreak/hack population is
- familiar with is the Voice Response System, which has normal POTS dialups.
- This system greets the user with an announcement message and then asks for a
- password, which is entered in DTMF tones. The legitimate use of these dialups
- are for outside craft personnel (linemen) to call in, perform tests and
- receive the results for subscribers' lines. The VRS is provided so craft
- personnel can access the 4TEL system at times when no one is at the testboard
- (at nights or weekends). Through the VRS, up to 8 craft/technicians can access
- 4TEL at the same time, enabling them to get more done in a smaller amount of
- time.
- After a password has been accepted by the system, the electronic voice
- will ask for the line number that the user wishes to be tested. The number
- entered will be read back to ensure correct entry. The system will then ask
- for the user to enter the mode. The modes are:
- 1: Calling on other line
- 2: Calling on test line
- 3: Line test results
- It is possible on some VRS's to get a listing of the modes by dialing 0
- when the voice prompts. Line tests are possible from both modes 1 and 2 by
- dialing the octothorpe (#) key. The results of the test will be announced
- along with the length of the cable in miles. Bridged ringers, if any, will
- also be noted. Mode 3, the line test results section, will tell the user there
- are no test results available unless they have beeen previously entered. The 7
- key is the monitor command from both test modes. If there is speech on the
- line, it will be detected electronically but will NOT be heard by the user.
- The monitor command is not 'REMOBS' (Remote Observation) but a method of
- determining if the line is busy due to normal means (conversation) or due to
- some trouble condition at the switch. When the system asks for the ID code for
- a monitor command, the system will accept the line number as well as the
- initial password, and even a secondary password before dialing, but it has not
- been determined by the author if this is a standard for every 4TEL. Not just
- anything will work for the monitor password however as it will announce if the
- ID code entered is invalid or not.
- If mode 1 is entered, these commands are available:
- 1-Fault location
- 2-Other Testing
- 7-Test OK, monitor
- 8-Hang up
- 9-Enter next line number
- If option 7 is chosen, another menu will be available if the line tests
- busy.
- 2-Monitor test
- 3-Overide and test
- 4-Wait for idle
- If suboption one (Fault location), mode one, is chosen, these commands are
- available:
- 1-Open location
- 3-Short location
- 4-Cross location
- 5-Ground location
- 8-Hang up
- If suboption two (Other testing), mode one, is chosen, these commands are
- available:
- 2-Loop ground Ohms
- 3-Dial tone test
- 4-Pair ID
- 8-Hang up
- 2-Other testing
- 7-Test OK, monitor
- 8-Hang up
- 9-Enter next line number
- If suboption 2 (Other testing), mode two, is selected, these commands are
- available:
- 2-Loop ground Ohms
- 8-Hang up
- The 4TEL system's main use is for standard testing, which is done nightly
- upon every line in an exchange. This locates faults and problems before they
- have to be reported by customers. All lines that have trouble detected upon
- them are printed out in a report at the repair center the next morning where
- the proper fault location and dispatching can be done. The measurement and
- test unit of the 4TEL system is called a COLT, Central Office Line Tester,
- which performs all nightly and on demand testsupon the exchange through local
- test trunks.
- There are a few different types of COLTs. The standard version will serve
- any CO for up to 10,000 subscribers. The COLT RS is used in rural step by step
- offices (referred to as 'steppers' also) for up to 1,300 lines. The Digital
- COLT is used for digital Central Offices. These can have remote Colt
- Measurement Units (CMU's) for remote switches which are controlled by the Colt
- Computer Unit (CCU) at the host switch. The CMU speed calls the CCU at night
- to start the testing and direct the operations. The CMUs in regular end
- offices have digital links (over the normal telephone network) with the SAC,
- which is how the line test results are distributed to the repair center.
- The 4TEL system can also test lines upon command by a human operator at
- the SAC (Service Area Computer). The CRT operator enters the line number in
- the proper field and 4TEL runs a full series of tests as well as displaying
- past line history, fault summary, volts and current information, and the cable
- length. The results of the testing are displayed in plain english, as opposed
- to decimal or other format, on the screen. A dispatch decision is also
- displayed after every line test to determine if a dispatch is needed.
- SAC's
- -----
- The SAC is the centralized focal point for 4TEL control and reporting.
- This computer is located in the repair center and distributes test/work
- information between CRT's and COLT's. The SAC formats the results of routine
- testing into a daily advisory report as mentioned earlier.
- There are several types of 4TEL reports that are worth noting. The
- DISPATCH report lists troubles that can have an immediate dispatch for them.
- These also tell the location of the fault (cable, CO, station, etc.) and are
- classified into two types, moderate and severe, relating to how service
- affecting the problem may be. The CABLE report lists all new cable faults. A
- Plant Status report summarizes the condition of the outside plant and totals
- them per individual exchange. In these reports, trouble conditions can be
- listed in a variety of ways. CROSSES and WETS refer to line insulation faults
- and may indicate water penetration of the cable. SHORTS and GROUNDS are
- insulation faults at the station set. OPENS refer to a broken, or 'open' Ring
- or Tip lead in a Cable Pair. BACKGROUND refers to electrical noise caused by
- power lines being nearby. ABNORMAL VOLTAGE indicates high voltage conditions.
- There are others, but the reader will hopefully get the idea from the ones
- listed above.
- ---
- Another major part of the 4TEL system is the Craft Dispatch System, which
- is a DTMF and speech response setup used to exchange report and schedule
- information between the repair center staff and outside craftspersons. Linemen
- call in to get dispatch information that has been previously entered by the
- dispatcher. CDS plays back the info one field at a time. When the craft
- personnel is ready to receive the next field of information, he simply says
- 'Go' and the system continues. A printer at the repair center informs the
- dispatcher when a craftsperson has received a report. When the trouble is
- taken care of, a completion report is done on the CDS in which it asks for the
- closeout and schedule one field at a time to be entered in DTMF and in speech.
- The clerk at the repair center then closes the trouble on the SAC/4TEL system
- after the line is tested a final time to ensure proper operation.
- CDS may also have audit trails of every transaction for a certain time
- period. So to summarize the work flow for involving the CDS: Irate customer
- calls the clerk at the repair center. The information is forwarded to the
- dispatcher who enters it into CDS. Craft personnel call in and receive the
- messages, do the required work, then file a completion report. The clerk then
- closes out the trouble in SAC/4TEL.
- The Digital Concentrator Measurement Unit is another component of the 4TEL
- testing equipment that is used to test lines in digital concentrators such as
- the GTE MXU and the NTI-OPM. They are located inside Digital Loop Carrier
- system remote terminals or huts and consist of a circuit board and measuring
- system. It provides AC and DC measurements of subscriber loops, as well as all
- the normal test/measurement functions such as fault description and location ,
- dispatch messages, and special tests. The DCMU can test the lines of an
- individual DLC remote terminal, or a group of terminals that are located
- together. The capacity of terminals that the DCMU can test is determined by
- analysis of test traffic and economic factors as well. Both the CRT at the SAC
- and the VRS are compatible with the DCMU. These units are self calibrating,
- unlike the PMU's of an LMOS supported Loop Testing System. The 4TEL CCU is
- linked to the DCMU via either a 1200 baud dial up or a dedicated link,
- depending upon the size of the office.
- Some of the tests that 4TEL performs are loop and ground resistance (which
- detects resistance faults and sheath ground problems), dial tone test (in
- which the number of times dial tone can be drawn during a certain period is
- recorded) , busy line monitoring (not BLV or REMOBS), coin station tests
- (totalizer, coin relay, etc), as well as all the standard tests which were
- covered above. A pair identification can also be done, in which a tone is
- placed on the pair to help those at terminal cabinets locate that specific
- one, similar to the LMOS/MLT tone applique function.
- Miscellaneous notes
- -------------------
- If a user enters the number of the 4TEL system they have dialed in upon,
- the system will announce an intercept. A user cannot monitor/test Directory
- Assistance through 4TEL. Lines that are out of the system's NPA can be tested
- also, but a 1 has to be dialed before the number just like an ordinary toll
- call. The 4TEL VRS will give the user a 'beep' tone after a few seconds of
- waiting for input. If the user doesn't enter anything, the VRS will
- disconnect. A version of 4TEL is also used by Rochester Telephone in New
- York, and there may be other independent companies that use the system. Try
- to find out what system you're served by. If you're in a Bell area, it will
- most likely not be 4TEL, but LMOS.
- I hope that this article has helped readers to better understand the way the
- 4TEL system operates. Again, there may be some differences depending upon the
- area and the company. Thanks go to Taran King, Phantom Phreaker, and Lucifer
- 666 for supplying information in one way or another that contributed to this
- file.
- Doom Prophet/LOD
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 06 of 11
- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+/ X+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- X L X Secure Data Encryption with Cellular Automatons / L /
- X O X / O /
- X D X by / D /
- +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
- X L X The Mentor / L /
- X O X / O /
- X H X A Legion of Doom Presentation! / H /
- +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
- X_X_X_X_________________________________/_/_/_/
- One of the key issues that concerns anyone who has sensitive or illegal
- information on their computer system is preventing unauthorized access to this
- information. Even if you hit a key that deletes everything on the hard disk
- when you see that four-door sedan pull up in the driveway, any idiot with
- Norton's Utilities (IBM) or Copy II+ (Apple) can recover anything that's on
- your drive with minimal effort. A delete command only changes a flag in the
- VTOC (volume table of contents), it doesn't actually *remove* the file from
- your system.
- There are two methods to ensure that your data can't be read by a sector
- editor or recovered by NU. The first is to overwrite everything with a NULL
- (FF) or anything else for that matter. I've seen one batch file that does a
- global delete, creates a file that says 'EAT HOT DEATH', and then begins
- copying it until disk space is full. Unfortunately, you can't always guarantee
- that you will be able to get to your computer before someone else does.
- The second method is to encrypt your data. Most people have visions of
- data encryption being some sort of arcane process akin to summoning demons or
- talking with Dead Cow Cult members (two closely related process- es.) In
- practice, it isn't that difficult. This file is intended to show some very
- short programs that will encrypt data beyond the ability of any- thing short of
- a dedicated mainframe to crack.
- How to use: The code examples I provide will be in MicroSoft's
- AmigaBASIC. It is fairly generic and you should be able to convert it over to
- IBM, //e,c,gs, Mac, ST, C64, or any flavor of mainframe you like. For those of
- you setting up systems on Packet-Switched Networks (such as the LOD/H system
- one of our members is implementing) data encryption should be considered
- absolutely necessary to maintain security.
- The terseness of the routines make them easy to insert in a bulletin
- board also, although conversion into C or Assembly would be necessary for
- decent speed.
- Intro to Cryptography: Long before computers were around, there was a
- need for data security. Everyone used lemon juice as 'invisible ink' when they
- were a kid, heating it over a candle to bring it out. And everyone has seen
- the substitution code where "A" = 1, B = "2", "Z" = 26, etc...
- The easiest form of encryption involves a variation of the previous.
- First of all, don't think of A = 1 as a substitution, think of it as a
- remapping. Let's say we have a language made up of the five vowels, and we
- wanted to remap them to the numbers 1-5. Our map would look like this:
- "AEIOU12345" and our mapping function would be f(c) = POSITION(c) + x where c =
- the letter to map and x is the key (in this case 5.) So every time we needed
- to encrypt a letter, we would take its position in the map, add 5 to it, and
- come up with the character to substitute. For the entire alphabet, the mapping
- function would be f(c) = POS(c) + 26 for the map "A..Z,1..26".
- Your map should be composed of all the characters that will be used for
- encryption. In a text only encrypter, this will consist of all the printable
- characters your machine can use. The same method can be used to encrypt binary
- files, but it's not as clear as text only for a teaching example.
- The problem with this simple form of encryption is that your average C64
- could crack it in a matter of minutes. Enter into the next level of
- cryptography, random numbers.
- During World War II the Allied Forces created a system to generate
- random electric noise, recorded this noise onto a wax cylinder, and scram- bled
- radio transmissions by mixing the seemingly random noise with the voice
- transmission. The soldiers in the field needed an imprint of the same cylinder
- to be able to understand the message. Think of the wax cy- linder as a
- 'filter' for the crypted message.
- A random number generator can be easily used to encrypt data providing
- you realize the following- a random number generator on a computer is not
- really random. If you initialize the generator with the same seed value on two
- seperate occasions, it will return the same sequence of psuedo- random
- numbers. Most BASIC's use the RANDOMIZE <seed> command to start the generator
- off. If you leave off the seed, they get a seed from the system clock or some
- other fairly random source, providing a much truer random selection. But by
- declaring the seed yourself, you can be sure that you will be able to reference
- this same string of numbers, a string that is very hard to figure out without
- the key (seed.)
- Program Listing 1 is an example of a BASIC encrypt/decrypt system that
- uses the built-in random number generator include on the machine (or language
- implementation.)
- Program Listing 1
- -----------------
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM Ok, this is an example of very basic encryption. It takes the input
- REM string and the input key and processes them using the machine's built
- REM in random number generator. This version is written in AmigaBASIC 1.2.
- REM It can be compacted quite a bit by writting it in C, but it's an easy
- REM algorithm to crack.
- REM ************************************************************************
- INPUT "String to be encoded"; C$
- INPUT "Key Please! ";K
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM When you use the RANDOMIZE command, it seeds the random number gener-
- REM ator with the key K. *EVERY* time you seed the generator with the same
- REM value, you will get the same sequence of psuedo-random numbers. Since
- REM the built in random-number generator uses a linear algorithm to gener-
- REM ate the sequence, it's easy (relatively) to crack.
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM The only difference between encoding and decoding is which way you
- REM move in your Q$ array space. Encoding takes the original and shifts
- REM to the right, decoding takes the codes value and shifts to the left.
- REM ************************************************************************
- INPUT "Encode or Decode ? ";A$
- A$=LEFT$(A$,1)
- IF A$="E" OR A$="e" THEN
- A=1
- IF A$="D" OR A$="d" THEN
- A=-1
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM Q$ contains all the characters that can be encoded. Every encoded
- REM character will be mapped to a character in this array. I haven't
- REM included any non-standard characters, so you will have to customize
- REM it to your particular keyboard/system. I've included an error check
- REM that will abort the encryption if it encounters a character that isn't
- REM in Q$. I have to use the STRING$ command to insert the spacebar and
- REM the quote into the string. It could also be done with a ASC(##) in
- REM many basics. You could expand this to include any non-printable
- REM characters you'd like so you could do non-text files.
- REM ************************************************************************
- SPACE = 32
- QUOTE = 34
- Q$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- Q$=Q$+"1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]$;:'.,<>/?X|D"
- QSIZ = LEN(Q$)
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM This is the main loop. L = length of the string to encrypt. In this
- REM example, I am only encrypting a single string. Most people who will
- REM actually use this will change the FOR loop to run until an EOF is
- REM encountered in the input file. Since the syntax for that will vary
- REM widely from system to system, I'll leave it out.
- REM ************************************************************************
- L=LEN(C$)
- FOR I = 1 TO L
- REM /* Finds the character I in the input string */
- X$ = MID$(C$,I,1)
- REM /* Finds the integer location of the character in Q$
- REM returns variable POZ */
- REM /* RND returns a random # between 0 and 1. Multiply it by the
- REM size of array Q$ and you get the number of positions to move
- REM when encoding or decoding. */
- REM /* If you are encoding, you will shift to the right using addition.
- REM you take the modula base QSIZ to keep the new character within
- REM the bounds of Q$. */
- IF A = 1 THEN
- REM /* Otherwise, you subtract, which takes a bit more math to keep
- REM up with. Once you have the distance to shift, you must
- REM convert it to a positive integer and then subtract two to
- REM account for the head & tail of the array. */
- REM /* Now you assign the new character in array Q$ to Y$, and append
- REM it to your converted string */
- Y$ = MID$(Q$,NUPOZ,1)
- D$ = D$ + Y$
- PRINT "Original = ";C$
- PRINT "Modified = ";D$
- REM /* This finds character X$ in array Q$ and returns an integer
- REM value of the location. Called from the main loop. */
- FOUND = 0
- POZ = 1
- TOP:
- TMP$ = MID$(Q$,POZ,1)
- FOUND = 1
- POZ = POZ + 1
- PRINT "Error: Character '";X$"' not in array Q."
- REM **********************************************************************
- End of Program Listing 1
- This method, while extremely simple, tight, and fast, is not fool-
- proof. Most computers use the following algorithm for generating pseudo-
- random number sequences: x(t+1) = ax(t) + b
- x(t+1) = next random number
- x(t) = previous random number
- a & b are constants that will cause a fairly even distribution
- For example, if you were using a three-bit system (8 possible postive
- integers) you might make a = 3 & b = 7 (there's a reason behind using prime
- numbers that is beyond the scope of this file.) If you seed the argument with
- RANDOMIZE 5 you would get the following:
- First x: x = 3*5 + 7 | Since we're restricting ourselves to three bits, and
- 22 won't fit in three bits, we'd need to perform a modula 8 on the
- number. (Modulo divides x by eight and keeps the remainder as the
- new value of x.) So MOD(22,8) is equal to 6 (16 + 6 = 22).
- Ok, let's do some simple mapping using our vowel set and the above
- three-bit random number generator. Let's say that the message reads "AAEOU"
- Our first random number was 6. Our map looks like "AEIOU12345". POS(A) + 6
- gives us 2 as the character.
- Second x: x = 3*6 + 7 | MOD (25,8) = 1 | POS(A) + 1 gives us E.
- Third x: x = 3*1 + 7 | MOD (10,8) = 2 | POS(E) + 2 gives us O.
- Fourth x: x = 3*2 + 7 | MOD (13,8) = 5 | POS(O) + 5 gives us 4.
- Fifth x: x = 3*5 + 7 | MOD (22,8) = 6 | POS(U) + 6 wraps around the map to A.
- So our original "AAEOU" is crytped into "2E04A". This may at first
- seem difficult to crack since 'A' mapped into a '2' on one pass and an 'E' on
- the other, thus preventing a freuquency analysis from breaking the code.
- Unfortunately, if someone knows the random number algorithm, they can
- easily hack out the key. Since most of the people using this will be using it
- on a pc, it would be trivial to get another pc to hack it out. And even if you
- protect your random number algorithm, it is still a straight linear algebra
- problem that an AT could work on over a weekend and probably figure it out,
- especially if there is a fairly small map to work with.
- Solution: What we need to do is combine the random mapping with a
- random number generator that is tougher to figure out. Enter cellular
- automatons.
- CA's were first invented in the 1940's when John von Neumann (he of
- the famous bottleneck) started to explore the mathmatic implications of very
- simple machines. CA's are made of geometric patterns of cells that change
- their state at each tick of a clock according to a fixed rule. Early work
- provided automatons that could imitate a basic computer. Since the CA's are
- inherently parallel (the entire geometry is updated each clock tick) and easy
- to put on a chip, there is speculation that the next generation of parallel
- processing computers will use CA's as a base rather than the Turing machine
- model.
- You have probably seen a CA at work and not realized it if you've
- ever seen the computer graphic simulation 'LIFE' developed by John Conway at
- MIT to model real organisms. The rule for automaton reproduction was incr-
- edibly simple: If a cell has two or three neighbors, no change in the cell.
- Fewer or more neighbors, it starves or is overcrowded to death, and repro-
- duction occurs when a blank space has exactly three neighbors.
- Using these simple rules, incredibly complex patterns can be produced.
- Anything that can produce complex and varied results from a small algorithm is
- a good target for a random number application. Enter Steven Wolfram from the
- Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, NJ.
- Wolfram has been doing research on one-dimensional cellular machines,
- which have the advantage of being able to work with both todays machines and
- future parallel machines. Wolfram has developed an automaton that is a one
- dimensional circular array modified by the rule:
- a(x,t) = a(x-1,t-1) XOR (a(x,t-1) OR a(x+1,t-1)) MOD k
- Where x is the position in the array and t is the time,
- k is the number of available characters (k = LEN(Q$)),
- and a is the one-dimensional array.
- This rule has several interesting properties. The problem we had with
- linear algorithms was that simple algebra could be used to analyze the
- evolution of the algorithm (the patterns produced.) All that you have to do is
- figure out how *one* cell evolves, then apply that pattern across the entire
- array. In the above case, there is no way of analyzing the array at time t
- without loading the initial conditions and running the whole thing.
- The second thing to note is that there are k to the power of w (where w
- is the width (number of cells) in array a) possible states the machine can be
- in, and not all of these states have a predecessor that generates it. These
- states are called 'Garden of Eden' states, and can only occur if they are set
- as an ititial condition.
- As a result, this rule is neither a one-to-one mathmatical mapping,
- nor is it and onto mapping of the set of arrays into itself. In laymans'
- terms, this means that for any given array state it is impossible to tell what
- (if any) previous state generated it by mere pattern analysis.
- While this isn't a file on breaking codes- about the only way to crack
- this one that's been discovered is to load *every* k**w state into memory and
- page through them searching for a pattern. This method can be defeated easily
- by setting w to more than 30 cells (assuming k=256, all the ASCII characters.)
- If you are using my array Q$, you might want to set w to 40 or more. Since 256
- to the 30th power is about a zillion bits, roughly equal to the largest memory
- bank in existence, there isn't much chance of anyone breaking it. For the
- truly paranoid, set w to 50 and sleep easy at night.
- Anyway, back to the algorithm...
- Each of the cells is filled on one of the k integers from 0 to k-1,
- giving each cell k possible states. Wolfram found that the string of bits
- occupying the 0 position (a(0,1), a(0,2), a(0,3)...) forms a random sequence
- that passes all statistical tests, sometimes with better results than standard
- DES algorithms.
- Let's break this down and see what it's doing. First of all, we will
- need two arrays. Each array is set up thus:
- Array for Time One
- |------| |------| |------| |------|
- |---->|a(0,1)|------>|a(1,1)|------>|a(2,1)|----->|a(3,1)|-----|
- | |------| |------| |------| |------| |
- |--------------------------------------------------------------|
- Array for Time Two
- |------| |------| |------| |------|
- |---->|a(0,2)|------>|a(1,2)|------>|a(2,2)|----->|a(3,2)|-----|
- | |------| |------| |------| |------| |
- |--------------------------------------------------------------|
- The reason we need two arrays is so you can update the array without
- destroying anything in it. In other words, you start out with array 1 active,
- then you update the array into array 2 and change the active array to 2. On
- the next clock tick you will update the active array (now 2) into the inactive
- one (now 1) and set the active array back to 1. You keep swapping like this.
- Logically, you only have one array- the active one.
- To initialize the array, the ASCII values of each character in the key
- are plugged into the first LEN(KEY$) spaces in the array. If you want to use a
- short key, modify the code to fill the *entire* array with values of the key
- (keep repeating a loop from 1 to W pulling characters out of K). Since the key
- can be anything printable, use something 10-20 characters long that you can
- remember- "HACK TO LIVE, LIVE TO HACK" is one of my favorites. Anyway, if you
- use a short (less than 10) key in this program, the distri- bution will be
- skewed for the first W MOD LEN(KEY$) itereations of the automaton, but will
- smooth out nicely after that.
- After the array is filled, it operates exactly like the first program
- *except* when it need a random number of positions to move. Then it drops
- down, updates each cell in the automaton, and then reads the value in A(0,time)
- as the random number to shift by.
- Let's look at the modified encryption code.
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM This is an modification of Program 1 that doesn't use a machine
- REM specific random number generator, but instead uses a cellular automaton
- REM algorithm. W is the width of the actual automaton. A is dimensioned
- REM at 32 to avoid having to reference element 0 of the array, which is
- REM legal on some systems and illegal on the others. This way it can
- REM be implemented on anything. Y is set for time 1, Y1 for time 2.
- REM These correspond to the second dimension in array A.
- REM ************************************************************************
- W = 30
- DIM A(32,2)
- Y = 1
- Y1 = 2
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM Once again, you can set this up to use files instead of strings. And
- REM note that, unlike the first example, the key doesn't have to be
- REM numeric.
- REM ************************************************************************
- INPUT "String to be encoded"; C$
- INPUT "Key Please! (Can be alpha-numeric) ";K$
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM This is where K$ is broken down into a series of characters and their
- REM ASCII value shoved sequentially into array A.
- REM ************************************************************************
- FOR I = 1 TO LEN(K$)
- T$ = MID$(K$,I,1)
- A(I,Y1) = ASC(T$)
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM The only difference between encoding and decoding is which way you
- REM move in your Q$ array space. Encoding takes the original and shifts
- REM to the right, decoding takes the codes value and shifts to the left.
- REM ************************************************************************
- INPUT "Encode or Decode ? ";A$
- A$=LEFT$(A$,1)
- IF A$="E" OR A$="e" THEN
- A=1
- IF A$="D" OR A$="d" THEN
- A=-1
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM Q$ contains all the characters that can be encoded. Every encoded
- REM character will be mapped to a character in this array. I haven't
- REM included any non-standard characters, so you will have to customize
- REM it to your particular keyboard/system. I've included an error check
- REM that will abort the encryption if it encounters a character that isn't
- REM in Q$. I have to use the STRING$ command to insert the spacebar and
- REM the quote into the string. It could also be done with a ASC(##) in
- REM many basics. You could expand this to include any non-printable
- REM characters you'd like so you could do non-text files.
- REM ************************************************************************
- SPACE = 32
- QUOTE = 34
- Q$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- Q$=Q$+"1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]$;:'.><,/?X|"
- QSIZ = LEN(Q$)
- REM ************************************************************************
- REM This is the main loop. L = length of the string to encrypt. In this
- REM example, I am only encrypting a single string. Most people who will
- REM actually use this will change the FOR loop to run until an EOF is
- REM encountered in the input file. Since the syntax for that will vary
- REM widely from system to system, I'll leave it out.
- REM ************************************************************************
- L=LEN(C$)
- FOR H = 1 TO L
- REM /* Finds the character I in the input string */
- X$ = MID$(C$,H,1)
- REM /* Finds the integer location of the character in Q$
- REM returns variable POZ */
- REM /* CELLULAR updates the cells in the automaton, switches the active
- REM time value, and returns X as the number of positions to shift. */
- REM /* If you are encoding, you will shift to the right using addition.
- REM you take the modula base QSIZ to keep the new character within
- REM the bounds of Q$. */
- IF A = 1 THEN
- REM /* Otherwise, you subtract, which takes a bit more math to keep
- REM up with. Once you have the distance to shift, you must
- REM convert it to a positive integer and then subtract two to
- REM account for the head & tail of the array. */
- REM /* Now you assign the new character in array Q$ to Y$, and append
- REM it to your converted string */
- Y$ = MID$(Q$,NUPOZ,1)
- D$ = D$ + Y$
- PRINT "Original = ";C$
- PRINT "Modified = ";D$
- REM /* This finds character X$ in array Q$ and returns an integer
- REM value of the location. Called from the main loop. */
- FOUND = 0
- POZ = 1
- TOP:
- TMP$ = MID$(Q$,POZ,1)
- FOUND = 1
- POZ = POZ + 1
- PRINT "Error: Character '";X$"' not in array Q."
- REM ***********************************************************************
- REM This is the cellular automaton
- REM ***********************************************************************
- REM /* Goes through the loop updating into the inactive time (1 or 2 dep-
- REM ending on how Y and Y1 are assigned) */
- FOR I = 1 TO W
- A(I,Y) = A(I-1,Y1) XOR (A(I,Y1) OR A(I+1,Y1))
- REM /* Updates the ends of the array (logical positions 0 and 31) that
- REM are used in calculating other fields. */
- A(0,Y) = A(W+1,Y1) XOR (A(0,Y1) OR A(1,Y1))
- A(W+1,Y) = A(W,Y1) XOR (A(W+1,Y1) OR A(0,Y1))
- REM /* Assigns the first cell to X as a random number */
- X = A(1,Y)
- REM /* Flips the active time */
- TMP = Y
- Y = Y1
- Y1 = TMP
- Ok, let's trace through a *small* example. Assume our earlier
- map of "AEIOU12345" and an automaton of width 5. For a key, we'll use
- "A15".
- 1) Assign ASC(A) to a(1,1), ASC(1) to a(2,1), ASC(5) to a(3,1).
- ("0" will represent an empty cell in this example.)
- A(time 1) = 0 65 49 53 0 0 0
- (Remember that an array of width 5 is going to have 7 actual elements)
- 2) Now then, we want to encrypt the string "EE3"
- First, we locate where E is in our map. LOKPOZ("E") = 2
- 3) Now then, we update the automaton.
- a(1,2) = 0 XOR (65 OR 49)
- a(2,2) = 65 XOR (49 OR 53)
- a(3,2) = 49 XOR (53 OR 0)
- a(4,2) = 53 XOR (0 OR 0)
- a(5,2) = 0 XOR (0 OR 0)
- Since this isn't a tutorial on binary numbers and boolean algebra, you'll
- have to trust me on this one...
- a(1,2) = 113
- a(2,2) = 116
- a(3,2) = 4
- a(4,2) = 53
- a(5,2) = 0
- 4) Now we update the ends.
- a(0,2) = 0 XOR (0 OR 65)
- a(6,2) = 0 XOR (0 OR 0)
- Again...
- a(0,2) = 65
- a(6,2) = 0
- 5) Now we switch the active time from 1 to 2, and our new automaton is
- a(time 2) = 65 113 116 4 53 0 0
- 6) We then pull off a(1,2) as the number to shift by.
- 7) Postion 2 + 113 (we're encoding, so we add) is 5 (modulo arithmatic.)
- 8) "E" is encoded into "U".
- 9) We repeat this two more times (you don't really want me to step through
- it all, do you?) and end up with the encrypted version.
- Well, that's going to pretty much wrap this file up. If you are
- interested in more files of this nature, let me know. If you find this totally
- confusing, but want to learn more, call The Phoenix Project at 512/441-3088
- (300/1200/2400, 24 hours a day). Our friendly and helpful LOD/H staff will be
- glad to assist you. Other people who you might want to talk to about
- encryption include Dr. Cypher, Tuc, and Prime Suspect.
- Also, if you are interested in seeing the above algorithm applied in
- other languages let me know. If there's enough of a demand I'll release C,
- Modula-2, and ADA versions.
- This has been a Legion of Doom/Legion of Hackers presentation!
- The Mentor
- *****************************************************************************
- References and Acknowledgments:
- "How to Generate Cryptographically Strong Sequences of Pseudo-Random Bits";
- M. Blum & S. Micali; SIAM Journal of Computing, vol. 13, p. 850 (1984)
- "Functions of Random Variables"; John Freund & Ronald Walpole;
- Mathmatical Statistics, 4th Edition; Prentice-Hall Inc., NJ; pp. 240-71
- "Building an Encryption System"; Peter Wayner
- Computer Language, Vol. 4, Num. 12, p. 67 (Dec. 1987 Issue)
- "Random Sequence Generation by Cellular Automata"; Institute for Advanced
- Study; Advances in Applied Mathmatics;
- "Breaking Pseudo-Random Number Based Cryptographic Algorithms"; M. Vahle &
- L. Tolendino; CRYPTOLOGIA, Oct 1982, p. 319
- Also my thanks to: TUC, The Leftist, Prime Suspect, and Dr. Cypher, who all
- contributed to this one way or another.
- ***************************************************************************
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 07 of 10
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- | |
- # Introduction to The Iris Operating System #
- | |
- # by #
- | |
- # The Leftist #
- | |
- # The Legion of Doom/Hackers #
- | |
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- Iris is an operating system which most people have heard little or nothing
- about. Many Businesses across the country are starting to use computers which
- support the IRIS operating system. IRIS is not new though, it was originally
- written to run on PDP-11, Data General, and Royal Systems. IRIS has grown in
- popularity due to the major revisions which have been made over the years and
- is a fairly easy system for anyone to learn. This article, though not a
- complete guide to IRIS, will give you the basic knowledge neccesary to
- identify, enter, and access information once in.
- Finding IRIS
- ------------
- You'll know you've found an IRIS system by its login banner, which usually
- looks like this:
- Welcome to "IRIS" R9.1.4 timesharing
- This is Dr. BOB'S OFFICE!
- Logging in
- ----------
- To log into an IRIS system after connecting <at 7E1 usually> press the
- escape key. You should get a message asking for account ID at which point you
- would enter your ID followed by a c/r. You're in the system when you get a #
- prompt. If you've entered an incorrect ID, the normal error message would be:
- The nice thing about IRIS from a hacker point of view is that it will allow
- you to brute force hack your way in, never keeping a log of unsuccessful
- tries, and never hanging up on you.
- If you don't think your ID is being entered properly, you can turn the
- echo back on by first hitting a Control-E. If you suspect parity trouble on
- your login <ie: the E key beeps every time you hit it> try hitting a Control-P
- to change the parity.
- Default Accounts
- ----------------
- Try the account names below, and also try them with 1 or 2 spaces after them in
- upper and lower case.
- ACCOUNT COMMENTS Privelege level
- MANAGER < works 99% of the time > 3 full system priv's
- BOSS < manager account > 3 full system priv's
- SOFTWARE < software dept account > 2 general user access
- DEMO < demonstration account > 1 scum of the earth priv's
- PDP8 < always on rev 7.0 > 3 full system priv's
- PDP11 < always on rev 7.0 > 3 full system priv's
- ACCOUNTING < accounting dept. > 2 general user
- Also try the company's name, or its intials. Sometimes system operators
- place control characters in their ID's, or spaces <usually one, sometimes two>
- at the end of their account names, this security 'trick' is used due to the
- operating system not asking for passwords. Like PRIMOS version 18 systems, all
- you needed was a valid username to get in. There are plans of implementing
- passwords in the future for IRIS.
- ----------
- So you're in- hopefully with full priv's.
- The users Privilege Level may be 0, 1, 2, or 3 indicating General,
- Privileged, Manager, or Superuser privileges respectively. Only the Superuser
- account can access the ACCOUNTS file, but all level two accounts are given
- most other privileges that a level 3 account have.
- If you were able to log in with a privilege level of 3, you'll be allowed
- to run the program ACCOUNTUTILITY or ACCOUNTS, depending on the version of
- IRIS is running. This is almost always found on LU 0, along with all the
- other system utilities. ACCOUNTUTILITY is menu driven, and you should have no
- problem using it.
- Accounts File
- -------------
- The Accounts File contains the following information
- Account ID
- Assigned priority
- Assigned Logical Unit #
- Account# <Group and User>
- Alloted CPU time <in seconds>
- Alloted disk blocks
- Number of disk blocks in use
- Peak # of disk blocks in use
- Net File Charges
- --------------
- This program is for editing the accounts on the system. You must be a
- manager on the system <level 3> to run this program, or else have a way to
- change the protection of BOTH the accounts file, and the ACCOUNTUTILITY
- program. If this is done, anyone can run the program. After typing
- ACCOUNTUTILITY you'll get the following menu:
- It's all pretty straightforward, I don't think I need to go on about this
- feature...
- What to do Inside
- -----------------
- The first thing you want to do once inside IRIS is to issue the command PP
- which will show you who's on, and what they're currently doing. Sometimes PP
- has been renamed to PORT ALL MONITOR. If you logged in and it said your
- Logical Unit was not active, you must install the system under the MANAGER
- account. To do this, log in on a full privs account, and type IN, INSTALL, or
- FASTINSTALL. This should allow you to activate all the system's Logical
- Units. Normally, the Logical Units (referred to as LU's) range from 0-99, 99
- being a ramdrive. If you choose to just install Logical Unit number one, the
- command would be INSTALL 0.1 and so on. If you are told Logical Unit x
- exists, change? DO NOT CHANGE IT! Instead, attempt to install a Logical Unit
- that doesn't already exist.
- To list all the files on the Logical Unit assigned to your account, type LIBR.
- To list only certain files type LIBR x where x = searchcriteria.
- To list the files on another LU, type LIBR x/ where x = the LU number.
- To list all the files that you have read access to, type LIBR @.
- To list only files that belong to you, type LIBR @g,r where g is your group,
- and u is your user #.
- To list files accessed within h hours, type LIBR >h where h is a decimal #.
- Anyway, you'll see something like this:
- LOGICAL UNIT #0 JUL 30, 1988 19:50:03
- S ASM 33 $0.00 11 0, 1 11068 11068 401 3 400
- B RUN 33 $0.00 21 0, 1 11068 0 602 3 344
- T SU.DSUBS 22 $0.00 22 0, 1 11068 5 30 3 7
- and so on....
- Running Programs
- ----------------
- Most Application Software for IRIS is written in business basic, which is
- basic with extended functions specifically for business applications.
- To execute a runnable file at the # prompt, just type the file's name.
- To exit into basic, just type BASIC.
- To run a program, simply type its name.
- To load a program type BASIC LOAD x where x = filename.
- To list a program once in basic, type X LIST X where, in both cases X = the
- line you want to list or simply type LIST to list all the lines of the
- program.
- File Type Chart
- Number Letter File Type
- 0 P Permanent System File
- 1 S System processor or file
- 2 B BASIC processor or program
- 3 A Stand alone processor or program
- 4 X EXECUTE processor or program
- 5 G GPM program
- 6 M MUMPS processor or program
- 7 W COURSE WRITER processor or program
- 20 Q Stand alone compiler
- 21 J Stand alone relocating assembler
- 22 L Stand alone relocatable loader
- 23 R Relocatable binary object tape image
- 24 I Indexed relocatable binary library
- 27 Z Temporary file
- 30 T Text file
- 31 F Formatted data file
- 32 C Contiguous data file
- 36 $ Peripheral device driver
- Passworded Files
- ----------------
- Sometimes a password will be added to the end of a file name to limit
- access to users who have knowledge of the password. To access a passworded
- file, type the following: FILEX ^Epass^E
- The ^E is correctly represented as Control-E. The common defaults for
- passworded files <especially on LU0> are the letter X and the word THINK.
- Kicking Users off the System
- ----------------------------
- This is something you do not want to do unless an emergency situation
- arises, in which case you would issue the PPP command. This is the port
- eviction utility. It will then ask you which port you would like to evict or
- you may type the word ALL to evict everyone but yourself. This is useful if
- you hang a printer port, or are afraid you may have dumped data to a printer
- which is offline.
- ---------
- This command gives you the status of a given port, and its channels. to
- run it type:
- PP
- --
- PP lets you see who is on the system, what port they're on, what baud rate
- they're running, and what process they're running. Just type PP from the #
- prompt. IRIS will give you information about the ports on the system and then
- will ask you if you would like channel status. Either type in the channel that
- you wish to see the status of, or hit return to exit.
- -----
- Yes, there are even games on IRIS, all the old PDP games hunt the wumpus,
- tic-tac-toe, etc...sure to provide hours of amusement.
- Changing the Baud Rate of a Port
- --------------------------------
- To change a port's baud rate, type PORT BAUD x where x is a standard baud
- rate <110,300,600,1200,2400,9600,19200>. Don't change the baud rate of the
- port you are on. This command is useful for temporarily disabling a user.
- Copying Files
- -------------
- Copy is a general purpose command for moving data of any type from a
- specified source to a specified destination. Also, data from several sources
- can be merged into one destination file.
- The general form of the copy command is:
- Copy dest = Source1,Source2 etc....
- Where dest is the filename under which the destination file is to be built.
- Mail
- ----
- To mail a one line message to another port, the following command applies:
- MAIL p "Hello My name is Joe Comosolo" where p = the port # to mail to.
- Loading Text Files
- ------------------
- A text file can be loaded by use of the command:
- an exclamation mark must be used to copy over an existing file.
- A new text file may be created by typing:
- EDIT,Filename
- If you just want to examine a text file, then just type
- EDIT Filename
- Some systems also have the TYPE filename command.
- ------
- This command allows you to edit the login message you receive before you are
- prompted for your account id. The syntax is:
- BYELOG message to be printed
- Logging Off
- -----------
- >From the # prompt, type BYE and hit return.
- Conclusion
- ----------
- I hope that article file proves useful. Keep it in your archives for the
- next time you stumble onto an IRIS system. If you have any questions, comments,
- or gripes, I can be reached on The Phoenix Project at 512/441-3088.
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 08 of 11
- __________________________________________________________
- @@ @@
- @@ Coin Service, The Central Office, and You @@
- @@ @@
- @@ by @@
- @@ @@
- @@ Phase Jitter @@
- @@ @@
- @@ Legion of Doom! @@
- @@______________________________________________________@@
- In this file I will attempt to give a basic overview of how various
- central offices handle coin service. If you feel your interest grows due to
- this file there are other good technical documents about coin service, i.e.
- Bell System Practices, CDs, PDs ect..
- Coin service is differentiated from other services by a special class of
- service. All switching systems give -48 volt battery toward the coin phone on
- the ring side of the line. Coin-First lines have an open TIP during a normal
- receiver-on-hook condition. When a line goes off hook the central office
- takes no action and in fact can not detect the off hook condition due to the
- line's conditioning-for-ground start. When the customer deposits money the
- coin ground is extended to the ring side of the line. The ground signals the
- line equipment in the central office as a to give a dial tone.
- Dial-Tone First offices give both the battery and ground to the coin
- station, thus providing a dial tone equivalent to a POTS phone. All coin
- service is super current sensitive. (The central office must give at least 23
- milliamps of line current and 41 milliamps of coin control current to the
- farthest coin station.)
- The switching systems differ in the method which calls are handled.
- No. 5 Crossbar
- The No. 5 crossbar coin-first offices must have a dual wound line relay
- with both windings in series when dealing with a coin first situation. If any
- Coin-First lines are served in a No. 5 crossbar office the originating
- registers must be able to desensitize the (pulsing) L relay by providing a
- resistive ground throgh its tertiary winding via the coin class of service
- relay.
- Crossbar offices can give coin return from Originating Registers,
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks, Ring and Tone trunks, Announcement trunks, and Coin
- Supervisory circuits. Coin collect current is only given through
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks and Coin Supervisory circuits. The only circuit that
- can handle a stuck coin test is the coin supervisory circuit.
- Crossbar offices handle coin actions on locally completed calls in the
- coin supervisory circuit (CS). All trunks must have access to the CS circuit
- or use coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks that have such access. The use of
- coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks elimnate the need for other trunks to be hard
- wired to the Coin Supervisory Link. When the trunk's supervisory relays show
- a coin action is needed the trunk searches for an idle Coin Supervisory
- Circuit through the Coin Supervisory Link. The bridged connection allows the
- Coin Supervisory Circuit to give the proper collect or return current toward
- the coin telephone and test to see if the action was successful.
- Crossbar offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS
- operators in the No. 5 crossbar TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the
- No. 5 office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The No. 5 office receives
- these signals and the trunk applies one pulse of coin collect or return or
- ring back. The No. 5 TSPS trunk dose not make a test to see if the required
- coin action is successful. If the coin is still present the call is dropped
- and the coin remains in the trap.
- ESS offices provide all coin control actions from the Coin Control
- Circuit. The Coin Control Circuit is switched to a customers line under
- program control. The Coin Control Circuits always make a stuck coin test at
- the end of a call.
- ESS offices handle coin actions required by DDD or TSPS operators by
- scanning the TSPS trunk looking for any control signals from the TSPS base
- unit. When the ESS office sees a request on the TSPS trunk the ESS office
- opens the talking path and attaches a multifrequency (MF) reciever. The MF
- reciever looks at the tones being sent from the TSPS base unit transmitter and
- checks if the signal requested is a coin collect, coin return, ring back, or
- operator attached.
- Dial-Tone First (DTF) offices not equipped with expanded In-Band
- Signaling give +48V talk battery during operator attached and 48V talk
- batttery during the rest of the call. If the TSPS signals for coin return the
- ESS office will open the talk path again, release the MF receiver and switch
- the line to the Coin Control Circuit which applies -130V coin return
- potential. After the coin control function is finished the system will make
- on recycle attempt if the coin ground is still present.
- Local calls are handled within the ESS machine. When a coin control
- function is required the program momentarily opens the talk path and switches
- the line to a Coin Control C cuit which applies the required current.
- Step By Step
- Coin lines in a Step By Step area are served on dedicated Line Finder
- groups. The Line Finders are hardwired to a coin box trunk and then cabled to
- a first selector appearance.
- Step By Step offices can give coin return from coin box trunks,
- TSPS/Cordboard trunks, and other miscellaneous trunks. (My knowledge of Step
- By Step is vague, it's kind of like trying to research dinosaurs.)
- Step By Step offices handle coin actions on local calls in the coin box
- trunks. The coin box trunk applies the coin control current through the
- winding of a relay to the coin station hopper trigger ground. When the coin
- station ground disappears, the coin box trunk relay releases and allows the
- connection to restore to normal. Some Step By Step offices have a timed
- release circuit that will time out after about eight attempts of coin control
- action, peg the stuck coin register, then release. If the timed release
- circuit is not provided and a coin ground can not be removed, the circuit must
- be manually released.
- Step By Step offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS
- operators in the Step By Step TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the Step
- office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The Step office trunk recicves
- these signals and trunk applies one pulse of coin collect, coin return or ring
- back. The trunk does not make a test to see if the action was successful.
- If a DDD call was completed to a busy number the Step By Step TSPS trunk
- will apply one quick pu e of coin return toward the coin station, then the
- coin box will check to see if the coin ground has disappeared. If the ground
- is still present the coin box trunk will repeat the attempt to collect the
- coin.
- If you have any further questions about how the central office handles
- coin service or about coin service in general, I can be reached via E-mail on
- The Phoenix Project at 512/441-3088.
- Oct 1988 - Phase Jitter....Legion of Doom/Hackers!
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 09 of 11
- ----------------> UNIX Password Hacker: Courtesy of USENET <------------------
- The following is an extensive unix password hacking program taken off
- USENET awhile back. It resembles Shooting Sharks' HPW.C program in some ways
- but this program has more options. Read the REM statements to determine what
- options you wish to enable. If nothing else, this program can give those who
- wish to write a similar program an idea of how and what you want to put in it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define index strchr
- #ifndef lint
- static char *rcsid = "$Header: pwchkr.c,v 1.2 85/11/30 22:42:07 richl Exp $";
- #endif
- /*
- * Warning: this program burns a lot of cpu.
- */
- /*
- * pwchkr - find accounts with poor passwords
- Date: Tue, 29 Nov 83 18:19:32 pst
- From: leres%ucbarpa@Berkeley (Craig Leres)
- Modified by Seth Alford, Roger Southwick, Steve Dum, and
- Rick Lindsley for Tektronix
- */
- /*
- * $Log: pwchkr.c,v $
- * Revision 1.2 85/11/30 22:42:07 richl
- * Added code to allow for password aging.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 85/09/10 16:00:56 root
- * Initial revision
- *
- *
- * By default, this program only checks for accounts with passwords the same
- * as the login name. The following options add more extensive checking. (The
- * tradeoff is cpu time -- with all options enabled it can run into the 100's
- * of MINUTES.) Any argument that does not begin with a "-" is assumed to be
- * a file name. (A single '-' means stdin.) If no file name is given,
- * /etc/passwd is used.
- *
- * Options:
- *
- * -v: verbose -- list all guesses on stdout
- * -u: output teh username on the line of the password file
- * currently being checked. If the program stops
- * abruptly you will then know how far it got.
- * -w file: use the list of words contained in "file" as likely
- * passwords. Words in the file are one to a line.
- * -b: check all guesses backwards too
- * -g: use the Full Name portion of the gecos field to
- * generate more guesses
- * -s: check the single letters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 as passwords
- * -c: with each guess, check for all-lowercase and
- * all-uppercase versions too.
- * -n: complain about null passwords (default is to keep
- quiet)
- */
- int verbose = 0, singles = 0, backwards = 0, checkgecos = 0, checkcase = 0,
- chknulls = 0, users = 0, chkwords = 0;
- char *index(), *reverse();
- long atol();
- FILE *fopen();
- char *fgets();
- char PASSWD[] = "/etc/passwd";
- char EMPTY[] = "";
- static FILE *pwf = NULL, *wlf = NULL;
- char line[BUFSIZ+1];
- struct passwd passwd;
- char *Curpw, *Wordlist = NULL;
- main(argc, argv)
- char **argv;
- $
- register int i;
- register char *arg;
- int onedone = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- if ((arg = argv[i]) && *arg == '-')
- while (*++arg) $
- switch (*arg) $
- case 'n':
- /*
- * complain about null passwords
- */
- chknulls++;
- break;
- case 'c':
- /*
- * check cases
- */
- checkcase++;
- break;
- case 'g':
- /*
- * use gecos
- */
- checkgecos++;
- break;
- case 'v':
- /*
- * turn on motormouth
- */
- verbose++;
- break;
- case 'b':
- /*
- * check all attempts forwards and backwards
- */
- backwards++;
- break;
- case 's':
- /*
- * carry out a more intensive search, checking for
- * single letter passwords
- */
- singles++;
- break;
- case 'u':
- /*
- * print out users as testing
- */
- users++;
- break;
- case 'w':
- /*
- * consult word list of likely passwords
- */
- if ((Wordlist = argv[i+1]) == NULL) $
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: No file supplied with -w optionXn",
- argv[0]);
- exit (1);
- argv[i+1] = NULL;
- break;
- case 'X0':
- /*
- * read from stdin
- */
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: unknown option '%c'. Options are:Xn",argv[0],
- *arg);
- /* FALL THRU */
- case '-':
- fprintf(stderr,"-v:XtXtverbose -- list all guesses on
- stdoutXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-u:XtXtoutput the username currently
- being checkedXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-w file:Xtconsult the indicated file
- for words to check as passwordsXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-b:XtXtcheck all guesses forwards and
- backwardsXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-g:XtXtuse the Full name portion of the
- gecos field for more guessesXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-s:XtXtcheck the single letters a-z,
- A-Z, 0-9 as passwordsXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-c:XtXtcheck the all-upper and
- all-lower case version of each guessXn");
- fprintf(stderr,"-n:XtXtcomplain about null
- passwordsXn");
- exit(1);
- argv[i] = NULL;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) $
- if (argv[i] == NULL) continue;
- onedone++;
- if (*(argv[i]) == '-') $
- /*
- * read from stdin; we'll cheat and set pwf directly
- */
- pwf = stdin;
- chkpw();
- /*
- * don't fclose stdin!
- */
- clearerr(stdin);
- else $
- if (setpwent(argv[i])) $
- perror(argv[i]);
- continue;
- Curpw = argv[i];
- chkpw();
- endpwent();
- if (!onedone) $
- Curpw = NULL;
- chkpw();
- exit(0);
- #define ARB_CONST 30000
- chkpw()
- $
- register char *cp, *cp2;
- register struct passwd *pwd;
- struct passwd *getpwent();
- char guess[100];
- char *wordarray[ARB_CONST];
- char *malloc(), **wordptr, **endptr;
- int done = 0;
- if (Wordlist)
- $
- if ((wlf = fopen(Wordlist,"r")) == NULL)
- $
- perror(Wordlist);
- exit(1);
- wordptr = wordarray;
- /*
- * note that endptr points to space OUTSIDE of wordarray
- */
- endptr = wordarray + (sizeof(wordarray)/sizeof(char *));
- while (fscanf(wlf,"%[^Xn]Xn",guess) != EOF)
- $
- if (wordptr == endptr)
- $
- fprintf(stderr,"Ran out of wordlist space. ARB_CONST %d must be
- too small.Xn", ARB_CONST);
- exit(1);
- if ((*wordptr = malloc(1+strlen(guess))) == NULL)
- $
- fprintf(stderr,"malloc: no more memory for wordlistXn");
- exit (1);
- strcpy(*wordptr,guess);
- wordptr++;
- *wordptr = NULL;
- while ((pwd = getpwent()) != 0 ) $
- if (verbose || users) $
- if (Curpw == NULL)
- printf("Xt%s X"%sX"Xn", pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_gecos);
- else
- printf("%s -- Xt%s X"%sX"Xn", Curpw, pwd->pw_name,
- pwd->pw_gecos);
- fflush(stdout);
- if (*pwd->pw_passwd == 'X0') $
- if (chknulls) $
- if (Curpw == NULL)
- printf("Problem: null passwd:Xt%sXtshell: %sXn",
- pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_shell);
- else
- printf("%s -- Problem: null passwd:Xt%sXtshell: %sXn",
- Curpw, pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_shell);
- fflush(stdout);
- continue;
- /*
- * Try the user's login name
- */
- if (uandltry(pwd,pwd->pw_name))
- continue;
- /*
- * Try names from the gecos field
- */
- if (checkgecos) $
- strcpy(guess, pwd->pw_gecos);
- cp = guess;
- if (*cp == '-') cp++; /* special gecos field */
- if ((cp2 = index(cp, ';')) != NULL)
- *cp2 = 'X0';
- for (;;) $
- if ((cp2 = index(cp, ' ')) == NULL) $
- if (uandltry(pwd,cp))
- done++;
- break;
- *cp2 = 'X0';
- if (uandltry(pwd,cp)) $
- done++;
- break;
- cp = ++cp2;
- if (!done && Wordlist)
- $
- /*
- * try the words in the wordlist
- */
- wordptr = wordarray;
- while (endptr != wordptr)
- $
- if (*wordptr == NULL)
- break;
- if (uandltry(pwd,*wordptr++))
- $
- done++;
- break;
- if (!done && singles) $
- /*
- * Try all single letters
- * (try digits too . --Seth)
- */
- guess[1] = 'X0';
- for (guess[0]='a'; guess[0] <= 'z'; guess[0]++)
- if (try(pwd,guess))
- break;
- for (guess[0]='A'; guess[0] <= 'Z'; guess[0]++)
- if (try(pwd,guess))
- break;
- for (guess[0]='0'; guess[0] <= '9'; guess[0]++)
- if (try(pwd,guess))
- break;
- /*
- * Stands for "upper and lower" try. Calls the "real" try, below,
- * with the supplied version of the password, and with
- * an upper and lowercase version of the password. If the user doesn't
- * want to try upper and lower case then we just return after the one
- * check.
- */
- uandltry (pwd,guess)
- char *guess;
- struct passwd *pwd;
- $
- register char *cp;
- char buf[100];
- int alllower, allupper;
- alllower = allupper = 1;
- if (try(pwd,guess) || (backwards && try(pwd,reverse(guess)))) return (1);
- if (!checkcase) return(0);
- strcpy (buf, guess);
- cp = buf-1;
- while (*++cp) $
- if (isupper(*cp))
- alllower = 0;
- if (islower(*cp))
- allupper = 0;
- if (!allupper) $
- for ( cp=buf; *cp != 'X0'; cp++)
- if (islower (*cp))
- *cp += 'A' - 'a';
- if (try(pwd,buf) || (backwards && try(pwd,reverse(buf)))) return (1);
- if (!alllower) $
- for ( cp = buf; *cp != 'X0'; cp++)
- if (isupper (*cp))
- *cp += 'a' - 'A';
- if (try(pwd,buf) || (backwards && try(pwd,reverse(buf)))) return (1);
- return (0);
- try(pwd,guess)
- char *guess;
- register struct passwd *pwd;
- $
- register char *cp;
- char *crypt ();
- if (verbose) $
- if (Curpw == NULL)
- printf ("Trying X"%sX" on %sXn", guess, pwd -> pw_name);
- else
- printf ("%s -- Trying X"%sX" on %sXn", Curpw, guess,
- pwd -> pw_name);
- fflush (stdout);
- if (! guess || ! *guess) return(0);
- cp = crypt (guess, pwd -> pw_passwd);
- if (strcmp (cp, pwd -> pw_passwd))
- return (0);
- if (Curpw == NULL)
- printf ("Problem: Guessed:Xt%sXtshell: %s passwd: %sXn",
- pwd -> pw_name, pwd -> pw_shell, guess);
- else
- printf ("%s -- Problem: Guessed:Xt%sXtshell: %s passwd: %sXn",
- Curpw, pwd -> pw_name, pwd -> pw_shell, guess);
- fflush (stdout);
- return (1);
- /* end of PW guessing program */
- #define MAXUID 0x7fff /* added by tonyb 12/29/83 */
- /* altered to a reasonable number - mae 8/20/84 */
- /*
- * Add a parameter to "setpwent" so I can override the file name.
- */
- setpwent(file)
- char *file;
- $
- if ((pwf = fopen(file,"r")) == NULL)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- endpwent()
- $
- fclose(pwf);
- pwf = NULL;
- char *
- pwskip(p)
- register char *p;
- $
- while(*p && *p != ':' && *p != 'Xn')
- ++p;
- if(*p == 'Xn')
- *p = 'X0';
- else if(*p)
- *p++ = 'X0';
- return(p);
- struct passwd *
- getpwent()
- $
- register char *p;
- long x;
- if(pwf == NULL)
- if (setpwent(PASSWD)) $
- perror(PASSWD);
- return(NULL);
- p = fgets(line, BUFSIZ, pwf);
- if(p == NULL)
- return(0);
- passwd.pw_name = p;
- p = pwskip(p);
- passwd.pw_passwd = p;
- p = pwskip(p);
- x = atol(p);
- passwd.pw_uid = (x < 0 || x > MAXUID)? (MAXUID+1): x;
- p = pwskip(p);
- x = atol(p);
- passwd.pw_gid = (x < 0 || x > MAXUID)? (MAXUID+1): x;
- passwd.pw_comment = EMPTY;
- p = pwskip(p);
- passwd.pw_gecos = p;
- p = pwskip(p);
- passwd.pw_dir = p;
- p = pwskip(p);
- passwd.pw_shell = p;
- (void) pwskip(p);
- p = passwd.pw_passwd;
- /* while(*p && *p != ',')
- p++;
- if(*p)
- *p++ = 'X0';
- passwd.pw_age = p;
- */
- return(&passwd);
- /*
- * reverse a string
- */
- char *reverse(str)
- char *str;
- $
- register char *ptr;
- register int len;
- char *malloc();
- if ((ptr = malloc((len = strlen(str))+1)) == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- ptr += len;
- *ptr = 'X0';
- while (*str && (*--ptr = *str++))
- ;
- return(ptr);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 10 of 11
- ----------------> Clearing up the Mythical LOD/H Busts <------------------
- Following is an article taken from Pirate-80 that Scan Man typed up which
- talks about the summer busts of 87. They called it the "LOD" case but as
- usuall, they were disillusioned. Our guess is that Oryan Quest was one of the
- first to be investigated, and due to his calling of other hackers when a DNR
- was on his line, led the authorities to the others who were eventually
- visited. Oryan claimed he was in LOD and this is where they must have gotten
- the idea that everyone he spoke to was in LOD also. In this respect the
- article is rather humorous in that they caught people who were not in LOD/H.
- Normally we would not put reprints of magazine articles in the LOD/H Technical
- Journal, but seeing how it is relevant in clearing up any misconceptions, we
- decided to put it in.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Remember, Oryan Quest is *NOT* now, *NEVER* has, and *NEVER* will be in LOD/H!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: SCAN MAN
- To: ALL
- Computer break-ins are no longer viewed as harmless pranks. For example,
- unauthorized computer access is a misdemeanor under 502PC of the California
- Penal Code if you just trespass and browse around -- and if it's your first
- offense.
- But: "Any person who maliciously accesses, alters, deletes, damages, destroys
- or disrupts the operation of any computer system, computer network, computer
- program or data is guilty of public offense" -- a felony under Section C of
- that code. Even changing a password to "Gotcha" is a felony if it can be
- proven that it was a "malicious access."
- In California, the maximum punishment is state imprisonment, a $10,000 fine and
- having your equipment confiscated. The penalty depends on who you are, your
- prior record and the seriousness of the crime.
- And you don't have to, for instance, breach national security to be guilty of a
- felony. Accessing even a simple system of a small company could damage vital
- data for more than a year's worth of business, especially if that company
- didn't properly back up its data.
- There are all kinds of computer crime. Stealing an automated teller machine
- card and withdrawing money from an account is a computer crime because you're
- using a computer to get money out of a system. But simply trespassing in a
- system and not doing any damage is normally a misdemeanor, according to Sgt.
- John McMullen of the Stanford University Police Services. This kind of crime
- has become very common. "Every kid with a computer is tempted," he said.
- Unfortunately, it can take months to complete an investigation. For instance,
- the so-called "LEGION OF DOOM" case, beginning in September, 1986, took 10
- months to solve and involved people in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon
- and California.
- If someone breaks into the computers of, for example, California's Pacific
- Bell, and the break-in is severe, Pacific Bell Security gets warrants issued,
- and then, with the police, confiscates computers, manuals, telephone lists and
- directories -- all related equipment. It's common for the computer to be tied
- up for a few months as evidence. (And by the time Pacific Bell Security does
- get involved, the evidence is usually overwhelming -- the conviction rate is
- extremely high.)
- "Whenever I'm involved in a case," said McMullen, "I ask the judge for
- permission to confiscate the equipment. That's one big incentive for hackers
- not to do this kind of stuff. I haven't had any repeaters, but I know of one
- case where the guy probably WILL do it again when he gets out.
- "Usually the shock of what happens to a juvenile's parents -- who bought the
- equipment and watched it get confiscated -- is enough to make them stop. But we
- don't really have enough cases to know what the parents do."
- "It's easy for hackers to find company phone numbers," said Daniel Suthers,
- Atari user and operations manager at Pacific Bell in Concord, California.
- "Most large companies have a block of 500 to 1,000 phone numbers set aside for
- their own use. At least one line will have a modem.
- "People post messages on hacker/phreaker bases on some BBS's and say 'I don't
- know who this phone number belongs to, but it's a business, judging by the
- prefix, and has a 1200-baud tone.' Then it's open season for the hackers and
- phreakers."
- Phreakers aren't much different than hackers -- they're just specifically
- telephone-oriented. In "CompuTalk: Texas-Sized BBS" (Antic, August 1987),
- sysop Kris Meier discussed phreakers who appear to have called from phone
- numbers other than the ones they were actually using. A computer isn't needed
- to do this -- it's usually done with a "blue box."
- "The blue boxes were used mostly in the late 1960s and early '70s," said
- McMullen. "They fool the network and let people make free long distance calls
- -- a tone generator simulates the signalling codes used by long distance
- operators. The boxes were phased out a couple of years ago, though: they no
- longer let hackers access AT&T, but Sprint and MCI can be accessed by something
- similar. However, computer programs are normally used now."
- To get long-distance phone service, hackers now use one of several programs
- passed among other hackers (on bulletin boards, for example). They find the
- local access number for Sprint or MCI and then run the program -- perhaps for a
- few days. It generates and dials new phone numbers, and the hackers can check
- to see how many new or free codes they've turned up.
- They can post the codes on a BBS, and their friends will use them until they
- get stopped by the long-distance company -- depending on how long it takes the
- company to realize that these numbers hadn't been issued yet -- or until the
- customers discover that their numbers have been accessed by someone who isn't
- "authorized."
- Bulletin boards can be especially easy prey. "If a hacker knew your BBS
- program intimately, he could probably figure it out, but that's messy," said
- Suthers. "If he can find a back door, it's easier. Sysops are notorious for
- putting in their own back doors because, though they have all the security
- under the sun on the FRONT doors, they still want to get in without problems.
- It's just like what happened in the films Tron and Wargames -- which probably
- taught a whole generation a lot of things."
- Meier had said in the August, 1987 issue of Antic that someone once called his
- board COLLECT. Simply put, the caller fooled the operator. McMullen says
- that's been around for a long time. "It's common in prisons and situations
- where the phones are restricted." McMullen also said that if the timing is just
- right, as soon as the modem answers, the phreaker can wait for an operator to
- say "Will you accept the charges," then say "Yes." The operator can't tell
- which end said yes, and if the modem has a long delay before the connect tone,
- the phreaker can get away with it. It couldn't be done entirely electronically
- -- the voice contact is needed.
- "I've never run across people accessing online services such as CompuServe in
- this way, but I'm sure it happens," said McMullen. "People suddenly get
- strange charges on their phone bills. "The hackers I've dealt with are very
- brilliant and good at what they do. Of course, when you do something all day
- that you're really interested in, you're
- GOING to be good at it."
- McMullen's most recent hacker case at Stanford University dealt with the Legion
- of Doom, an elite group of hackers who broke into computers -- some containing
- national defense-related items. "As I understand it, they're supposed to be the
- top hackers in the nation," McMullen said. "I started investigating the case
- when it began crossing state lines, getting a bit too big. I contacted the
- FBI, who said that because of the Secret Service's jurisdiction over credit
- card and telephone access fraud, they'd taken over computer crime
- investigations that go across state lines -- actually, anything involving a
- telephone access code. This case, of course, involved access codes, because
- the Sprint and AT&T systems were used, and it was the Secret Service, not the
- FBI, that made the arrests. "I think that the publicity from this case will
- scare people, and there'll be a lot less hacking for a while. Some hackers are
- afraid to do anything: they're afraid that the Secret Service is watching them,
- too."
- AT&T, Sprint and MCI now have ANI -- Automatic Number Identification -- as does
- Pacific Bell. It aids a great deal in detecting hackers. Pacific Bell usually
- just assists in this type of investigation and identifies the hackers. "It's
- easy to trace a call if the caller logs in more than once," said Suthers. "The
- moment they dial in, a message is printed out -- before the phone even answers
- -- pinpointing where it came from, where it went to, the whole shmeer.
- "A blue box made it much harder to detect, but if a hacker used it
- consistently, we could eventually trace it back. So if someone is in
- California and makes it look as if he'd called from New York, we can trace it
- across the country one way, and then back across. Generally, though if the
- call IS billed to a New York number, the caller is actually somewhere like
- Florida. But we can back-trace the call itself, especially if it's extremely
- long."
- But recently someone broke into Pacific Bell "through a fluke of
- circumstances." Suthers said, "We closed down that whole area, so they can't
- get back in that way, but if they dial the number again, they're in trouble."
- If Pacific Bell Security detects a break-in, the area is secured immediately.
- Sometimes hackers are steered toward a kind of "pseudo-system" that makes them
- THINK they've broken in -- but in fact they're being monitored and traced.
- As to how many hackers there are, who knows? There's a lot of misuse and
- inside work that's never detected or reported.
- Security systems are expensive, but someone with a lot of data and an important
- system should seriously look into one. Very few hackers are caught, simply
- because few corporations have good security systems. "Passwords should never be
- names, places or anything that can be found in a dictionary," said Suthers.
- "People shouldn't be able to just write a program to send words from their
- AtariWriter Plus dictionary disk. Normally there should be a letter here, a
- few numbers there -- garbage. Thus, if someone writes a program to generate
- random symbols and keeps calling back until he breaks in, he'll probably be
- traced. "Some corporations aren't very computer literate and don't worry about
- things like passwords until they've been hit, which is a shame. But it's all
- out there in the books. TRICKS OF THE UNIX MASTER (by Russell Sage, published
- by SAMS Publications, $22.95) is a beautiful book that tells you exactly what
- to do to avoid break-ins."
- McMullen said that Stanford is trying to tighten up security by emphasizing the
- importance of better passwords. "When researchers want to do their work,
- however, they don't want to mess with passwords and codes," he said.
- "Universities seem to want to make their systems easier for researchers to use.
- The more accessible it is, obviously, the less security there is in terms of
- passwords. It's easier to use your name as a password than some complicated
- character string. "So any hacker worth his salt can go onto any computer system
- and pull out an account. Especially with UNIX, it's very easy to access it,
- entering as the password the first name of the person who has the account.
- These Legion of Doom hackers used a program that actually found out what the
- passwords were: it began by just checking the names. They were very successful
- -- it was just unbelievable."
- But McMullen feels that security fell way behind the advances made in
- computers, and several avenues were left open for people to explore. "Often
- these hackers don't mean to be malicious or destructive," he said, "but I think
- they really feel triumphant at getting on. Sometimes they do damage without
- realizing it, just by tramping through the system: shutting down phone lines,
- programs and accounting systems." However, the strides made in security since
- then have accounted for arrests, confiscations and convictions all over the
- country -- but there are still many more to come.
- The LOD/H Technical Journal, Issue #3: File 11 of 11
- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- $ $
- $ Network News & Notes $
- $ $
- $ Compiled from Comp.Risks Digest $
- $ by $
- $ The Mentor $
- $ $
- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- Comp.Risks Digest is a USENET distributed newsletter on risks to the
- public from computer-related systems. It is frequently one of the first
- places that bugs in operating systems show up. These are some of the more
- interesting posts that have appeared in the past month.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 5 Oct 88 12:35:37 EDT
- From: Dave Wortman <dw@csri.toronto.edu>
- Subject: Emergency Access to Unlisted Telephone Numbers
- The article below was originally posted to misc.consumers. I thought it might
- be of interest to RISKS readers as an example of a well-thought-out set of
- administrative procedures designed to balance the needs of protection of
- privacy and response to emergency situations.
- =======================================================================
- All examples in this message pertain to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, which
- covers the Chicago metropolitan area, and quite a bit of the rest of Illinois.
- There are three types of phone numbers which do not appear in the printed and
- publicly available directory: (1) Too new to list (2) Non-listed (3) Non-pub.
- [discussion of types (1) and (2) deleted.]
- The third category of numbers not in the phone book or available from the
- Directory Assistance Bureau are non-published numbers. Non-pub numbers are NOT
- available at the Directory Assistance level. Inquiries about same which are
- input into a DA terminal simply come up with a message that 'at the customer's
- request, the number is not listed in our records; the number is non-published.'
- Well, who does keep non-pub records then? The Business Office has no handy way
- to retrieve them, since they depend on an actual phone number when they pull up
- a record to discuss an account. Once a service order is processed, the number
- and associated name are no longer available to the average worker in the
- central office.
- There was for several years a small group known as the 'NonPub Number Bureau'
- which at the time was located in Hinsdale, IL. Needless to say, the phone
- number to the NonPub Number Bureau was itself non-published, and was only
- available to specified employees at Bell who were deemed to have a 'need to
- know'. Now I think with all the records being highly computerized, the keepers
- of the non-pub phone numbers are themselves scattered around from one phone
- office to another.
- When there is some specific need for an employee at the phone company to
- acquire the non-published number of a subscriber, then certain security
- precautions kick into place. Only a tiny percentage of telephone company
- employees are deemed to have a 'need to know' in the first place; among
- these would be the GCO's (Grup Chef Operators), certain management people
- in the central offices, certain people in the Treasury/Accounting office,
- andof course, security representatives both from Illinois Bell and the
- various long distance carriers, such as AT&T/Sprint/MCI.
- Let us have a hypothetical example for our Correspondent: Your mother has taken
- seriously ill, and is on her deathbed. Your brother is unable to reach you to
- notify you of this because you have a non-pub number. When his request for the
- number has been turned down by Directory Assistance, simply because they do not
- have it, he asks to speak with a supervisor, and he explains the problem. He
- provides his own name and telephone number, and the supervisor states he will
- be called back at a later time. The supervisor does not question if in fact an
- emergency exists, which is the only valid reason for breaking security. The
- supervisor may, if they are doing their job correctly, ask the inquirer point
- blank, "Are you stating there is an emergency situation?".
- Please bear inmind tat the law in Illinois and in many other states says that
- if a person claims that an emergency exists in order to influence the use (or
- discontinuance of use) of the telephone when in fact there is no emergency is
- guilty of a misdemeanor crime. You say yes this is an emergency and I need to
- contact my brother/sister/etc right away. The supervisor will then talk to
- his/her supervisor, who is generally of the rank of Chief Operator for that
- particular facility.
- The Chief Operator will call the NonPub people, will identify herself, and
- *leave her own call back number*. The NonPub people will call back to verify
- the origin of the call, and only then will there be information given out
- regards your brother's telephone number. It helps if you know the *exact* way
- the name appears in the records, and the *exact* address; if there is more than
- one of that name with non-pub service, they may tell you they are unable to
- figure out who it is you want.
- The NonPub person will then call the subscriber with the nn-published number
- and explain to tem what has occurred: So and so has contacted one of our
- operators and asked for assistance in reaching you. The party states that it
- is a family emergency which requires your immediate attention. Would it be
- alright if we give him/her your number, *or would you prefer to call them back
- yourself?
- Based on the answer given, the number is either relayed back to the Chief
- Operator, or a message is rlaedback saying the non-pub customer has been
- notified. If the customer says it is okay to pass his number, then the Chief
- Operator will call you back, ask who YOU are, rather than saying WHO she wants,
- and satisfied with your identification will give you the number you are seeking
- or will advise you that your brother has been given the message by someone from
- our office, and has said he will contact you.
- Before the NonPub people will even talk to you, your 'call back number' has to
- be on their list of approved numbers for that purpose. A clerk n the Business
- Office cannot imitate a Chief Operator for example, simply because NonPub would
- say that the number you are asking us to call back to is not on our list. "Tell
- your supervisor what it is you are seeking and have them call us..."
- Other emergency type requests for non-pub numbers would be a big fire at some
- business place in the middle of the night, and the owners of the company must
- be notified at their home; or a child is found wandering by the police and
- the child is too young to know his parent's (non-pub) number.
- They will also handle non-emergency requests, but only if they are of some
- importance and not frivolous in nature. You have just come to our city to visit
- and are seeking a long lost friend who has a non-pub number; you are compiling
- the invitations to your high school class fiftieth re-union and find a class
- member is non-pub. Within certain reasonable limits, they will pass along your
- request to the desired party and let them make the choice of whether to return
- the call or not. But always, you leave your phone number with them, and in due
- time someone will call yo back to report what has been said or done.
- You would be surprised -- or maybe you wouldn't -- at the numerous scams and
- [........] stories people tell the phone company to get the non-pub number of
- someone else. Fortunately, Bell takes a great deal of pride in their efforts to
- protect the privacy of their subscribers.
- Patrick Townson, The Portal Syse(TM)
- uunet!portal!cup.portal.com!Patrick_A_Townson
- -----------------------
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 18:01:58 CDT
- From: linnig@skvax1.csc.ti.com
- Subject: More on monitoring Cellular Phones
- Alan Kaminsky (ark%hoder@CS.RIT.EDU) writes:
- > When a phone detects a paging message with
- > its own address, it broadcasts a page response message. This response is
- > received by all the cells in the system, and the signal strength is measured.
- > The cell receiving the strongest response is assumed to be the cell in which
- > the phone is located, an unused frequency in that cell is assigned, and the
- > phone call is switched to a transceiver in that cell.
- Ah, but could the phone company send out a page without a following
- "ring them" message? If they could, then they could periodically
- poll your position, and your faithful cellular phone would report
- it without your knowledge.
- > As for business competitors monitoring calls you place on your cellular
- > telephone, to find out your clients' phone numbers: This is perfectly
- > possible.... One hopes the FCC, police, etc.
- > would prevent anyone from offering such a product commercially.
- Well, the communication privacy act recently passed prevents you from
- intercepting the audio side of the cellular phone conversation, but I doubt
- if it prevents you from picking up the dialing info. I think such a device
- might be considered in the same class as a "pen register." Pen registers
- record the numbers called on a telephone circuit. I believe the Supreme
- Court doesn't even require a search warrant to place a pen register on a
- phone. It may be quite legal to record the phone numbers dialed by a
- cellular phone. Someone with a law background want to comment?
- Mike Linnig,
- Texas Instruments
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 88 09:00:08 edt
- From: Henry Cox <cox@spock.ee.mcgill.ca>
- Subject: Reach Out and Touch Someone...
- [From the Montreal Gazette, 7 October 1988]
- LAS VEGAS (AP) - Ten teenage hackers may have run up $650 000 in
- telephone calls by tricking phone company computers, and their parents
- could be liable for the tab, authorities said.
- "They reached out, all right," assistant U.S. Attorney Russel Mayer said
- of the hackers, nine 14-year-olds and one 17-year-old. "They reached
- out and touched the world."
- Tom Spurlock, resident agent in charge of the Las Vegas Secret Service
- office, said the teen agers engaged in "blue boxing," a technique that
- enabled them to talk to fellow hackers throughout Europe.
- "They were calling numbers that were in the ATT system, and their
- (computer) programs would allow them to jump' ATT's circuits, allowing
- them to call anywhere in the world."
- The expensive shenanigans came to light when local phone company
- officials discovered unusual activity on nine Las Vegas phone lines,
- Spurlock said. He said federal agents obtained warrants and searched
- the nine homes.
- The teenagers weren't taken into custody or charged, but their computers
- were seized.
- Henry Cox
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 88 13:35:03 -0400
- From: davis@community-chest.mitre.org
- Subject: Computer Security and Voice Mail
- >From the Oct 6 Washington Post.
- >From a news item "Hackers Find New Way to Tap Long-Distance Phone Lines".
- Zotos International Co. received two consecutive $75,000 phone bills,
- due to use of their automated answering system by hackers.
- Zotos' switchboard automatically routes incoming calls to the proper
- department. Hackers found a way to circumvent the system to place outgoing
- long-distance calls, in some cases to Pakistan and Senegal. In this case the
- calls were traced to Pakistani businesses in New York. However, police
- officials told Zotos that they must catch the hackers in the act in order to
- prosecute. The telephone company informed Zotos' mangement to pay the bills,
- and collect from the susspected hackers via the civil courts.
- In the same article, a related Los Angeles case of misuse of an electronic
- switchboard system by outsiders described 'capture' of 200 of a company's
- password-secured voice mail accounts. Outsiders, in this cases a dope ring and
- a prostitution ring, gained access by guessing the 4-digit passwords and
- changing them. The hackers backed off only when 'Federal authorities' began
- tracing calls.
- The article quotes security experts as recommending systems including several
- access codes. Also, major companies are adding software to detect changes in
- calling patterns.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Oct 88 09:45
- From: plouff%nac.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Wes Plouff)
- Subject: Re: Risks of Cellular Phones
- Recent writers to RISKS, starting with Chuck Weinstock in issue 7.57, have
- focused on the risk of vehicle location by cellular telephone systems. In my
- opinion, they exaggerate this risk and underestimate another risk of mobile
- phones, the complete lack of privacy in radio transmissions.
- Roughly 10 years ago I designed vehicle location controller hardware and
- firmware used in the Washington-Baltimore cellular demonstration system.
- That system led directly to products sold at least through the first
- waves of cellular system construction a few years ago.
- Since cellular base stations have intentionally limited geographic
- coverage, vehicle location is a requirement. This limitation is used to
- conserve radio channels; one cell's frequencies can be re-used by others
- far enough away in the same metropolitan area. The cell system must
- determine which cell a mobile user is located in when he begins a call,
- and when during a conversation a vehicle crosses from one cell into
- another. Cells are set up perhaps 3 to 20 miles in diameter and range
- from circular to very irregular shapes. Cellular phone systems are
- designed with ample margins so that statistically very few calls will be
- lost or have degraded voice quality.
- Making this system work does not require anything so fancy as
- triangulation. Vehicle location needs to be only good enough to keep
- signal quality acceptably high. John Gilmore explained in RISKS 7.58
- how this works while the mobile phone is on-hook. During a
- conversation, the base station periodically measures the signal strength
- of an active mobile in its cell. When the signal strength goes below a
- threshold, adjacent cells measure the mobile's signal strength. This
- 'handoff trial' procedure requires no interaction with the mobile. If
- the mobile was stronger by some margin in an adjacent cell, both the mobile
- phone and the cellular exchange switch are ordered to switch to a channel and
- corresponding phone line in the new cell. Since base stations commonly use
- directional antennas to cover a full circle, mobiles could be reliably located
- in one third of the cell area at best. Distance-measuring techniques advocated
- by AT&T were not adopted because the added cost was too high for the modest
- performance gain.
- Certainly a cellular phone system can locate a mobile at any time, and always
- locates a mobile during a conversation. But the information is not
- fine-grained enough to implement some of the schemes imagined by previous
- writers.
- A more important risk is the risk of conversations being intercepted. The
- public airwaves are simply that: public. Scanner radios can easily be found or
- modified to cover the cellular band, and listeners will tolerate lower signal
- quality than cellular providers, hence one scanner can listen to cell base
- stations over a wide area. The communications privacy law is no shield because
- listeners are undetectable. To bring this back to risks of computers,
- automated monitoring and recording of selected mobile phones is probably beyond
- the reach of the average computer hobbyist, but easily feasible for a
- commercial or government organization using no part of the infrastructure
- whatever, just the control messages available on the air.
- Wes Plouff, Digital Equipment Corp, Littleton, Mass.
- plouff%nac.dec@decwrl.dec.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 20:34:01 -0700
- From: davy@riacs.edu <David A. Curry>
- Subject: 100 digit primes no longer safe in crypto
- Taken from the San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 12, 1988, Page 8A:
- Computers able to make light work of cracking code (Los Angeles Times)
- Some secret codes intended to restrict access to military secrets and Swiss
- bank accounts may not be as safe as had been presumed, a team of computer
- experts demonstrated Tuesday.
- The team succeeded in doing what security experts thought could not be done:
- using ordinary computers to break down a 100-digit number into the components
- that produce it when multiplied together.
- That process, called factoring, holds the key to many security codes.
- Before Tuesday, experts had believed that if the number was large enough -
- up to 100 digits - its factoring would take about 10 months with a Cray super-
- computer, one of the most powerful computers in the world.
- But computer experts across the United States, Europe and Australia solved
- the problem more quickly by using 400 processors simultaneously. They linked
- their computers electronically and factored a 100-digit number in just 26 days.
- The number has two factors, one 41 digits long and the other 60 digits long.
- And that, according to Arjen Lenstra, professor of computer science at the
- University of Chicago, should be quite sobering to experts who believe they
- are secure with codes based on numbers that large. Lenstra headed the project,
- along with Mark S. Manasse of the Digital Equipment Corp.'s Systems Research
- Center in Palo Alto.
- [ quotes from experts ]
- Rodney M. Goodman, associate professor of electrical engineering and an
- expert on cryptography at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena,
- described the achievement as "significant," because it means that some systems
- may not be as secure as had been thought. But he said it did not mean that
- security experts around the world would have to rebuild their systems.
- "All the cryptographers will do is increase the length of the number by a
- few more digits," he said, "because the problem gets exponentially worse as
- you increase the size of the number." A larger number is more cumbersome, and
- cryptographers had tried to kep the number as small as possible.
- [ explanation of the idea behind using large numbers with
- prime factors in cryptography ]
- Last year, Lenstra decided to tackle the problem on "a small scale, just to
- see if he could do it," according to Larry Arbeiter, spokesman for the Univ-
- ersity of Chicago. "It was a pure science type of effort."
- Several months ago, Lenstra presented his idea to Manasse, a computer re-
- search scientist with Digital. Manasse became so intrigued with the problem
- that his company agreed to fund much of the cost, including the use of more
- than 300 computer processors at the Palo Alto company during off-duty hours.
- The company manufactures DEC computers.
- "I was interested in the general problem of taking a program and breaking it
- up into small pieces" so that many could work simultaneously toward the sol-
- ution, Manasse said.
- Other computer enthusiasts from the "factoring community" clamored aboard
- and this fall more than 400 computers around the globe were ready to give it a
- try.
- The computers ranged in size from microcomputers to a Cray supercomputer,
- but even personal computers with large memories could have been used, Lenstra
- said. Each of the participating computers was given a different part of the
- problem to solve, and success came early Tuesday morning.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Oct 88 19:14:22 GMT
- From: spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- Subject: NSFnet Backbone Shot
- The following mail was forwarded to me a few minutes ago. This refers to
- the MCI fiber used to carry the NSFnet backbone. No wonder some of my mail
- has disappeared recently! [From: field inadvertently deleted?]
- => Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 12:47:00 EDT
- => To: watchdogs@um.cc.umich.edu, ie@merit.edu
- => Subject: A bit of trivia
- =>
- => The fiber that goes from Houston to Pittsburgh was broken due
- => to a gun blast....that is right, a gun blast.
- => Somewhere in the swamps of the Bayou (between Alabama and New Orleans)
- => the fiber cables are suspended above the swamps and a good ol'
- => boy was apparently target practicing on the cable.
- =>
- => Traffic has been rerouted and when the investigation has taken place
- => and the cable fixed we will be put back on the original circuit.
- Gene Spafford
- NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center,
- Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
- Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu uucp: ...!$decwrl,gatech,ucbvax!purdue!spaf
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 00:14 MDT
- Subject: Intersection of ANI and Voice Mail Risks
- Recent reports in RISKS of nefarious deeds committed by hackers who
- entered a system via voice mail prompted me to inquire about the voice mail
- security of my university's system. A year ago the U bought its own fancy
- switch for on-campus communications. Some of the goodies include voice
- mail and ANI. I tried the voice mail once but since I much prefer e-mail
- I long ago forgot my voice mail password (yep, only 4 digits if the
- hackers want to start guessing). I called the telecommunications office
- to determine where I needed to go in person and with how many photo ID's
- to get my voice mail password. Even though I hadn't identified myself,
- the clerk said, "Oh that won't be necessary, Mr. McClelland, I'll just
- change your password back to the default password and you can then change
- it to whatever you want." I said, "But how do you know that I'm
- McClelland?" He replies, "Because it shows on the digital display on my
- phone both the phone number and name of the caller." [Most phones are in
- private offices so a unique name can be attached to each number.] I tried
- to explain that all he really knew was that I was someone calling from the
- phone in McClelland's office and that I could be the janitor, a grad
- student, or almost anyone. But security wasn't his problem so he wasn't
- very concerned. I was afraid to ask how many folks never bother to change
- their default password. As I was about to hang up, he said, "By the way, if
- you check your voice mail from your own extension you don't even need to enter
- your password." I said , "Thanks, that's reassuring" but I don't think he
- caught the sarcasm.
- Gary McClelland
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Oct 88 09:45
- From: plouff%nac.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Wes Plouff)
- Subject: Re: Risks of Cellular Phones
- Recent writers to RISKS, starting with Chuck Weinstock in issue 7.57, have
- focused onthe risk of vehicle location by cellular telephone systems. In my
- opinion, they exaggerate this risk and underestimate another risk of mobile
- phones, the complete lack of privacy in radio transmissions.
- Roughly 10 years ago I designed vehicle location controller hardware and
- firmware used in the Washington-Baltimore cellular demonstration system.
- That system led directly to products sold at least through the first
- waves of cellular system construction a few years ago.
- Since cellular base stations have intentionally limited geographic coverage,
- vehicle location is a requirement. This limitation is used to conserve radio
- channels; one cell's frequencies can be re-used by others far enough away in
- the same metropolitan area. The cell system must determine which cell a mobile
- user is located in when he begins a call, and when during a conversation a
- vehicle crosses from one cell into another. Cells are set up perhaps 3 to 20
- miles in diameter and range from circular to very irregular shapes. Cellular
- phone systems are designed with ample margins so that statistically very few
- calls will be lost or have degraded voice quality.
- Making this system work does not require anything so fancy as
- triangulation. Vehicle location needs to be only good enough to keep
- signal quality acceptably high. John Gilmore explained in RISKS 7.58
- how this works while the mobile phone is on-hook. During a
- conversation, the base station periodically measures the signal strength
- of an active mobile in its cell. When the signal strength goes below a
- threshold, adjacent cells measure the mobile's signal strength. This
- 'handoff trial' procedure requires no interaction with the mobile. If
- the mobile was stronger by some margin in an adjacent cell, both the mobile
- phone and the cellular exchange switch are ordered to switch to a channel and
- corresponding phone line in e new cell. Since base stations commonly use
- directional antennas to cover a full circle, mobiles could be reliably located
- in one third of the cell area at best. Distance-measuring techniques advocated
- by AT&T were not adopted because the added cost was too high for the modest
- performance gain.
- Certainly a cellular phone system can locate a mobile at any time, and always
- locates a mobile during a conversation. But the information is not
- fine-grained enough to implement some of the schemes imagined by previous
- writers.
- A more important risk is the risk of conversations being intercepted. The
- public airwaves are simply that: public. Scanner radios can easily be found or
- modified to cover the cellular band, and listeners will tolerate lower signal
- quality than cellular providers, hence one scanner can listen to cell base
- stations over a wide area. The communications privacy law is no shield because
- listeners are undetectable. To bring this back to risks of computers,
- automated monitoring and recording of selected bile phones is probably beyond
- the reach of the average computer hobbyist, but easily feasible for a
- commercial or government organization using no part of the infrastructure
- whatever, just the control messages available on the air.
- Wes Plouff, Digital Equipment Corp, Littleton, Mass.
- plouff%nac.dec@decwrl.dec.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 88 10:10:47 +0100 (Wednesday)
- From: Peter Robinson <pr@computer-lab.cambridge.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
- Subject: Re: Risks of cellular telephones
- As a radio amateur, I have always been taught that using mobile transmitters
- near petrol stations is bad form - the radiation from the transmitter can
- induce currents in nearby metalwork and perhaps cause a spark. The thought of
- a cellular telephone being able to transmit without the operator's consent (in
- response to a paging call) is, therefore, slightly RISKy.
- Tis cold even get worse as technology progesses. As the sunspot cycle
- advances, it sees plausible that transmissions will carry further and
- interfere with those in nearby cells (not the adjacent ones, they usually have
- distinct frequencies). Before long the manufacturers will introduce adaptive
- control where the transmitter power is adjusted dynamically to compensate for
- variations in the signal path between the mobile and base stations. So then
- when you pull into a petrol station and receive a call, the system will notice
- that all the surrounding metal is impairing your signal and will increase the
- transmitter power accordingly...
- Incidentally, I am not sure what power these radios use, but I would be
- slightly nervous about using a hand-held telephone with the antenna anywhere
- near my eyes if it is more than a few Watts.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 88 15:59:56 MET
- From: "Walter Doerr" <wd@dg2kk.UUCP>
- Subject: Risks of cellulr phnes
- Chuck Weistock <weinstoc@SEI.CMU.EDU> writes in RISKS 7.57:
- > Subjec: Rsks of Cellular Phones?
- >
- > While discussing radio triangulation last nigh, the question came up:
- > If I dial a phone number attached to a cellular phone, how does the
- > cellular system know which cell should send the ring signal to the
- > phone? Is it a system wide broadcast, or does the cellular phone
- > periodically broadcast a "here I am" signal?
- In the 'C-Net' here in Germany, all mobile phones send a "here I am" signal
- whenever they move to a new cell. This information (the cell where the phone
- can be reached) is stored in the database of the phone's "home" base. Calls to
- mobile phones are routed to a computer in Frankfurt which contacts the home
- base computer (based on the first few digits of the mobile phonenumber), which,
- in turn, knows the cell the phone is currently in.
- > If the latter, a less than benevolent government (or phone company for
- > that matter) could use that information to track its citizens' cars'
- > whereabouts.
- According to an article in an electronics magazine, the German PTT was
- approached by a police agency, who expressed interest in the data stored in the
- networks computers. The article quotes a Siemens mobile telephone specialist
- as saying that it isn't possible topipoint the current location of a mobile
- phone because:
- - the phone must be switched on for the network to recognize it
- - the cells use omnidirectional antennas, so it isn't possible
- to determine the direction from where the mobile phone's signal came.
- While this is true, it is certainly possible to determine the location of a
- phone with an accuracy of a few miles (the size of the cell the phone is in)
- without using any additional direction finding methods (radio triangulation).
- Walter Doerr
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- End of the LOD/H Technical Journal #3
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